--- Santosh Helekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Others might see nothing wrong with resorting to 
> name-calling, innuendo, abusive personal
> attacks and use of vile language against individuals
> who disagree with them. 
--- Aristo wrote:
> NO to Censorship.
> YES to exercising restraint from making grossly
> bigoted, disrespectful and inflammatory statements.
Memo to Vivek & Aristo:
I second Aristo's comments above.
There is an old saying that describes Dr. helekar's
comment above, it's "the pot calling the kettle
Wasn't it Dr helekar who referred to members of
morally based groups as having a "fake morality", "mob
psychology" and "herd mentality"?  Apparently he sees
nothing wrong in name calling, when he's the one doing
Wasn't it Dr. helekar who wanted to use ALLEGATIONS of
pedophilia against Sai Baba to make his case that ALL
moral codes are "fake"?  So much for innuendo and the
principle of someone being innocent until proven
guilty.  Apparently it's OK if Dr. helekar does it.
Santosh continues:
> As I am sure you know very well, hatred has been 
> and is being incited against individual members of 
> this forum by other members. 
Mario responds:
This is the kind of overheated rhetoric that Dr
helekar has been spewing on Goanet for years.  It's an
old trick to use trumped up emotion when facts and
logic fail.
Did you know that Dr. helekar once threatened to sue
some people - that's right, in court - who disagreed
with him on Goanet?  Talk about trying to chill free
If you have followed these discussions you would know
that no one is inciting any hatred against individual
members on Goanet.  What we are seeing could be called
robust disagreements, nothing more.
Would the Goanet administration, which includes Dr.
helekar's old and very dear friend, Bosco, who
moderates these posts with an eagle eye, allow hatred
to be incited on Goanet?  I don't think so.

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