Though Santosh has always made very erudite comments
and almost always backed them with solid
references,given the nature of the topic it is bound
to ruffle a few feathers.
I do not believe that santosh has maliciously or
otherwise spread any derogatory remarks about any
religion and has been critical of all religions
including the one he was born into.

This is a welcome change from some who can see only
the bad things in Hindusim like the caste system
,whose hearts bleed for the kunbis and who can detail
every torture in the manusmrirti yet are oblivious to
the horrors of the inquisition since no "proof"

at the same time i would also wish that in the
interest of many silent netters who happen to be
deeply religious Santosh as well as others would leave
subjects such as religion alone.

just my two cents


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