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--- Bosco D'Mello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Gilbert,
> You had another opportunity to list your "Rock Solid
> Moral Code". You failed. 
Mario observes:
What is the matter with Bosco?
How do you deal with someone who has supposedly
followed this thread but still doesn't know that this
is not about any one rock solid moral code?
How do you deal with someone who falsely continues to
deny that the rock solid Christian moral code as well
as Sai Baba's have been listed and detailed several
times in this debate?
Didn't Bosco once defensively say that listing the Ten
Commandments was of no use because most Christians did
not know what they were?  Then, to my amazement, he
turns around and again demands that the Ten
Commandments be listed?
Here, Bosco, once again for the nth time:
Knock yourself out.
Bosco writes:
> First you wiggled out saying its not about the 
> Christian moral code (just like Mario), then you 
> said its not about the list but about the 
> enforcement by soceity.
Mario observes:
Here we go again.  How does one "wiggle out" of
something one has never said?  Here we see Bosco
trying to re-define a debate that has been going on
for weeks, without apparently understanding a word we
have said.
Bosco writes:
> I'll give you your correction, that you and Mario
> are "inherently supporting the view that TRUE 
> followers of specific religions, are MORE LIKELY TO 
> BE morally superior to Atheists and Agnostics."
Mario observes:
No, I am not supporting this view at all.  You have
apparently ignored everything I have written and are
trying to put YOUR words in my posts.
Let's see if I can simplify this for you.  This is a
summary of what I have said all along:
a) We KNOW the codes of morally based groups.
b) Their members have accepted these codes by being
c) Just because some members violate the codes from
time to time does not invalidate the codes themselves,
or make them "fake" in Santosh's hostile insinuation.
[Memo to other readers: Excuse the emphasis but this
is to make it harder for Bosco to "wiggle" out of:-))]
d) When it comes to unorganized individual atheists,
we have no way of knowing what moral code they have
adopted or are following or not following.
e) That's it.  In a nutshell that I'd like to see you
wiggle out of, though I know you'll try.
Bosco writes:
> And I'll say - FALSE. You are wrong to take that
> ARROGANT stand. And that is the root of what I'm
> contesting. 
Mario responds:
Are you the modern re-incarnation of Don Quixote?  You
create an ARROGANT stand where there is none, then
label it FALSE.
You seem caught in a steel trap of pre-conceived
notions about this thread, read carefully and slowly
my points a) through e) above and let me know what you
find that is either ARROGANT or FALSE about what I
have said.

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