Goanetters visiting Viva Goa 2006 in Toronto, Canada on July 29, can use 
the BMX booth as a meeting point. Please list your name on the message 
board that will be provided, courtesy of BMX.

Dear Elisabeth,

It's pointless to argue with that Nasci fellow. Remember that
Chesterfield quote and just ignore him.


daer Elisabeth!
How far removed you are from reality! The spirit in me
is the HUMAN SPIRIT that agonises from the truth that
people in India are miserable and kept that way, and
discriminated against, only because of the no
caste/low caste womb that give birth to them. Is my
spirit wrong then; or does it mean that you and other
agnostics have no spirit at all??
Do you know that Santosh, Aristo and Kevin and perhaps
Cornel, are all brahmin born? Also that (RKN)the
Nair's is a well know brahmin clan in Kerala?? This is
the reason that RKN shoots off, no sooner I mention
caste and that it should be 'eliminated' from Indian

May my spirit prevail in you! :-)

Nasci Caldeira.
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