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--- velho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Addressed to Dr. Helekar:
> but you have to stop denigrating organised religion 
> and its followers (whatever way you look at it word
> like mob/herd mentality even if true are hurtful). >
For the record I am an atheist myself.
Mario responds:
For the record, Dr. Helekar now says he is not an
atheist and never has been.  Apparently, he is able to
think and write like one.  
Velho, just FYI, several people on this forum may not
be what they appear to be or even who they say they
are.  Nom de plumes are frequently used to hide
identities.  Some are posting under more than one
identity.  'Nuff said.
It is about time that an atheist with at least some
sense joined Vivek in speaking up against Dr.
Helekar's gratuitous and unprovoked attacks on
religion and religious people, which have apparently
gone on for several years now.
None of the Hindus on Goanet were motivated enough to
challenge him.
Among all the accolades to Dr. Helekar's contributions
to science and mankind, not one atheist noticed his
statistically absurd use of exceptions and claims of
wrongdoing by fringe religious members in order to
suggest that ALL religious moral codes are "fake". 
Then he ducks behind his boiler-plate cover that he is
tolerant of everyone.  Now, he is suddenly not an
atheist and never has been.  We shall see.  Stay
Then Cornel, whom we can always count on to be
illogical, classifies Hitler and Stalin and Castro as
Christians because he says their birth-religion
identifies their religious beliefs.  Never mind what
they actually practiced, says Cornel.  Well, duh!
Wouldn't that make Cornel and Kevin "Christians" and
Santosh and Vivek "Hindus" and Velho whatever his
parents were?  I wonder what religion Cornel would say
the murderous atheist despots like Mao, Ho Chi Minh
and Pol Pot belonged to? 
Velho writes:
> My views on the above topics I believe represent the
> young educated goan who is a successful member of
> the second fastest growing economy in the
> world (thanks to Shri Singh, Sinha  and 
> Chidambaram).  I would love to give my views on the 
> land, labour and capital issue but they are very 
> similar to Mr. Krishnayya, so I will allow him to 
> take the personal abuse all contributors are 
> subject to.
Mario responds:
Velho, notwithstanding your youth, education and
success you seem to have missed the fact that
rebuttals to Mr Krishnayya's views have been based on
facts and logic, and not on any "personal abuse".  
In a public forum specious claims of "abuse" and
"insult" later raised to a higher level with threats
of lawsuits against political and social adversaries
in a public forum is simply a ploy to chill free
speech and robust, free-flowing debate and intimidate
many to remain "silent".
I am personally acquainted with only TWO Goanetters,
and have nothing personal against people I don't know
and can only respond to how and what they write in
this forum.
Velho writes:
> I just have one question for Mr. Mario Goveia (in
> particular) and other netters too. As the Indian
> economy progresses at this overheated pace, what
> should we do to ensure that the rural-urban divide
> does not cause this country to erupt in chaos.  
Mario responds:
Interesting question, but, if you are serious about
working philosophies and ideas, you have come to the
right place for this seminar:-))  Just kidding.
However, I will outline my thoughts in a separate
post.  Thanks for asking.

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