Goanetters visiting Viva Goa 2006 in Toronto, Canada on July 29, can use 
the BMX booth as a meeting point. Please list your name on the message 
board that will be provided, courtesy of BMX.

Thank you - Goan Association of New York for the support  you all have extended 
to us  in the formation of an  ALLIANCE OF WORLD GOAN ORGANISATION. 
I am sure many more  Goan Associations - will express their desire to join this 
Alliance in the near future. 
The Goan Association of New York welcomes the idea of co-operation between
all Goan Associations world wide. After all we are in diaspora in a city and 
it's suburbs 
that is a melting pot of the United States and of goans from six continents.
Goan associations operate in  different parts of the world  and all share a 
desire to live and pass on some of our values and traditions to future 
generations .
Our culture, like all cultures is subtle, it is under the surface, but it 
affects us all always. 
Some of us have been far removed from our motherland by generations of 
residence and our link to Goa is mainly through association events and the 
goans we 
meet. Therefore  all associations  wherever they are, fulfil a wonderful role. 
Our association has for the last few years celebrated World Goa day at it's 
annual picnic. 
This year the picnic will be on August 20th and is open to all goans and their 
The style of this event has always been to bring a dish, preferably of goan 
origin, and 
share with one and all - a truly communal event. Sometimes, there is even the 
communal pigling to share. 
With unity we can soar like eagles, otherwise we will fly like barnyard hens.   
I salute you and all the other associations for their commitment to their 
members and
this worthy ideal.
Everett D'Souza
Goan Association of New York
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