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Gilbert wrote:

>I am a bit tired of Goanetters who preach one thing
(to appear intellectual) and personally practice
>another philosophy.  I do hope you and others do not
>reap what you preach.  Yet it is useful to remember
>that a seed does not fall far from the tree.


Almost everything you have written in response to the
data that I provided in reply to your own request, is
inconsequential, erroneous or trite (Please see the
above quote for example). I will just point out some
misrepresentations and misconceptions in it. 

>You started by saying you were not going to respond
>to innuendo (good).  Then you went on to provide a
>whole bunch of innuendos (not good). In supplying the
>statistics, you intermixed the US data with India
>data. The latter appeared to be >a combination of
>contemporary data with what existed 100 years ago
(grandmother's era).

I suspect you don’t understand the meaning of the word
innuendo. Please look it up in a standard English
dictionary. Your assertion that I mixed Indian data
with U.S. data is utterly bogus. I only provided U.S.
data. I do not have access to Indian data as yet. The
statements regarding my grandmother and great
grandmother were made because you asked for
information about India, and what I have stated is
common knowledge among Indians. They are also
pertinent facts with regard to morality because
child-marriage is now regarded as inappropriate,
immoral and abusive.

>As an example you refer to US data on teen-age
>mothers (likely school dropouts) who have children
>out of wedlock (some with multiple fathers) living in
>single parent homes surviving on the government's
>safety net.  This is compared (favorably)  to our
(Indian) grandmother's social structure where the
>young girls were married and living in a joint-family
>system with an immense amount of near and extended
>family and social support system.

Pure garbage. I have made no such comparison. I
provided actual numbers only for the U.S.

>You also find a good similarity of single-parent
>homes (mistakenly termed single family homes) due to
>divorce in modern society to widowed parents in
>traditional societies. 

Hogwash. There are widowed parents in all societies.
Divorce is also present in all societies. Some old
religions have allowed divorce (indeed, made it easy
to obtain a divorce) for the past hundreds of years
e.g. Islam.

In the U.S., according to the 2001 census, 10.6% of
the women are currently widowed and 10.8% divorced.

>I did not include rape etc as a separate end-point
>because I had to stop somewhere to make it easier on

Sorry that the actual numbers I provided are harder
for you to digest. Sorry for making things
uncomfortable for you.

>Yet that and other social situations would be
>reflected under prison population. This statistic
(per thousand population) is much higher in the
>modern / western world that in traditional societies.

Nonsense. The incarceration rates are much lower for
all other western or technologically advanced
countries. U.S. is an exception. Here are the
incarceration rates for several developed countries.

U.S. – 714 per 100,000 population 
Canada – 116 per 100,000 population
England and Wales – 142 per 100,000 population
France – 91 per 100,000 population
Germany – 96 per 100,000 population
Spain – 140 per 100,000 population
Netherlands – 123 per 100,000 population
Denmark – 70 per 100,000 population
Norway – 65 per 100,000 population
Sweden – 75 per 100,000 population
Japan – 58 per 100,000 population
Australia – 117 per 100,000 population

- These are February 2005 numbers obtained from the
International Centre for Prison Studies
King’s College London – School of Law (Sunith Velho
had nothing to do with this information).

>So with due respects, using your pro-science and
>logical bent, your comparative statistical
>conclusions, have little meaning. You have on purpose
>chosen to make "sarkem goddxem zalam."

Gilbert, Do you remember that the numbers I provided
were requested by you? Are you now disappointed that
they do not support your case?

>Contrary to your understated numbers, in contemporary
>western societies, the divorce rates is close to 50%
>of all marriages.

A bogus assertion even from the standpoint of the U.S.

The numbers I obtained were from a graph provided by
the U.S. Census Bureau and National Center for Health
Statistics. The commonly misreported and misconceived
50% value refers to the annual divorce rate, which is
3.8 per 1000 people compared to the annual marriage
rate, which is 7.6 per 1000 people. A simple
calculation shows that 3.8 is 50% of 7.6 

The percentages of people who are currently married
and currently divorced, and ever married and ever
divorced in the U.S. according to the 2001 census are
as follows:

Currently married: men - 58.0%, women - 54.6%
Currently divorced: men - 8.9%, women - 10.8%
Ever married: men - 71.0%, women - 78.2%
Ever divorced: men - 21.9%, women - 24.2%

>And one in three children grow in single-parent

False. Only 25% of biological and adopted children
live in single-parent homes. Only 8.8% of these live
with single parents who have never married, and 9.6%
with single parents who are divorced.

>Yet I disagree with you that modern communities is
>socially head of traditional communities because of
>their more liberal attitudes. I continue to maintain
>that modern societies' social fabric is being torn

As I have shown, the statistical facts do not support
your biased hunches and feelings, even if one
restricts oneself to the U.S. The situation gets much
worse for your case if one includes the other modern
societies of the world, such as Western Europe,
Canada, Japan and Australia.

>Finally, instead of asking me to read about Atheism
>which is not what you believe in, perhaps you need to
>give us the title / name of your belief. Thus we have
>a better understanding of your philosophic
>perspectives from independent sources. And make sure
>it is consistent with your writings. 

As I have suggested to you before, if you want to find
out about my views on religious issues, please refer
to the Goanet and Goa-Goans archives of the last 10
years. I submit to you that you will not be able to
find any inconsistency in my position over all these
years, assuming of course that you have read and
understood all the background literature that is
pertinent to the views expressed.

>I am a bit tired of Goanetters who preach one thing
(to appear intellectual) and personally practice
>another philosophy.

If you are talking about me, I do not preach anything
to anybody. I simply provide facts available to me,
and express my views based on those facts. The views I
have expressed are entirely consistent with what I



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