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On 04/08/06, Melvyn Fernandes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I was saddened to note that the dance at Toronto Viva Goa was abruptly 
> halted.....................
......................................................... To put the
> record straight Gabe Menezes mentions an incident that took place some three
> years ago in the car park after closing time that provoked a member to
> intervene, the police who were called by the non members attended and threw
> out the case, the committee had no involvement in this matter
> Melvyn Fernandes
> Health and Safety DUTY
> Goan Festival uk

RESPONSE: It was rather remiss of me not to address the crux of the
posting, so here goes:

If I remember rightly the incident took place more than 3 years ago.

I respectfully disagree that the responsibility of the organizers
ended as soon as time was called...the Publican calls time but is
still responsible until the punters leave the premises!! So in the
same vein the organizers are responsible until the people have left
the premises.

What had irked me at that time and still does, is that the
perpetrator, had a previous confrontation at the Club House in
Beckhenham Place. The Police were called by him and the CID threatened
the Club's bar licence. A letter of warning was issued to this person
as well as the Director involved, who was suspended for a month from
attending the Club House.

Having had a previous warning was of no consequence and it is
pointless giving warnings, if subsequent Boards treat transgressors
with kid gloves! This is for the record so that there will not be a
third time, O.K. ?

Gabe Menezes.
London, England
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