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Aristo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sadly, N. Korea, Chinese
> and Cuba have self serving dictators, who are not
> really bothered about the welfare of the common 
> people.

I have not been to N. Korea or China and cannot
comment on the state of affairs there. I have been to
Cuba (several times.) Every Cuban in Cuba will vouch
that Fidel's number one priority is the welfare of his
people. He has provided free universal education and
free health care for ALL his people. Can you name me
one other leader in N. or S. America that is more
concerned for his people? 

> Aristo responds:
> You  are right. I did forget to mention my distaste
> for communism's
> affiliation with Autocracy & with Anarchy in some
> cases. But Communism can survive in a democratic 
> setup, but again, that's only when they are in a 
> minority and have no other option.

Here is lies the fault of Communism. The two surviving
communist states, N. Korea and Cuba, have resorted to
nepotism in its purest form. The Korean leader
inherited his job from his daddy just like the old
kings on England. Fidel must have spawned idiots as
his only hope now, is to transfer power to his 75 year
old brother.

Lastly, I would respect any communist govt that can
win free elections.


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