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Dear Francis,

Brilliant stuff!

Well expressed indeed - and Thank You once again for your courtesy.

I add here that this thing called Kokni, masquareding as our mother tongue 
Konkani, is an engineered and IMPOSED IMPOSTER.

The Goa Church with its weak-kneed hierarchy has fallen for it, and courtesy 
the IMPOSITION ....some among us have fallen for it, too.

We may wish to ask ourselves, IF THAT IMPOSTER is really our mother tongue, 
How come our mothers cannot follow it ?

As one (what I call PaperGoan) -i.e. person who is born in Goa - who calls 
himself Goan when it is convenient - but also calls himself as "anything but 
Goan" when it suits him ....said to me : In fifty years the "mothers of that 
time" will have forgotten the Konkani you talk about.

That is probably the idea. The neo-Hindiwallas did that to Hindi-Urdu, the 
neo-Kokniwallas are doing it to Konkani.

I am also advised by some of the purists ...that Variation in the various 
dialects of Konkani (Sashti, Bardezi etc)  is similar to the variation of 
the various dialects of English (Welsh, Scottish, Irish etc). Yet, the 
purists say ...there is Standard English.  That (I am further reminded) is 
the goal of the Kokniwallas i.e. To have a standard form of Konkani.

These alleged purists need to be advised of two points wrt English:

1. The Welsh, Irish, Scottish mothers understand Standard English, Our 
Konkani mothers do not comprehend this travesty called Kokni.

2. Standard English was NEVER engineered.

3. English has enriched itself by including all words which have influenced 
it. This process continues even till this day.  Our Kokniwallas have set 
themselves on decapitating words from Konkani and imposed words from 
Jhumritallaya ...to borrow a name of a place (;-).

Please pick up a copy of Gulab in the Romi script or a copy of Sunaparant. 
Please pay for it.

Please tell me IF you will PURCHASE another copy.

As I said before .... All Power and Glory to those who slave in the hopes 
that Gulab and Sunaparant will be read - forget about understood (without a 
dictionary) and PAID for!

ULO is so far (from the edition I have read) making some effort to  be in 
the centre. I hope ULO succeeds....Though, it is my personal belief that 
this IMPOSITION will drive most 'capable of financially and literally 
supporting' Goans towards English.

I certainly will NOT support any Imposter language which masquarades as my 
mother tongue - however well it is engineered, and whichever script it is 
written in.

If I want to read good Devanagri literature, I will purchase a  Marathi 
publication. I will definitely not support a Kokni which sounds like a 3rd 
rate Nasal dialect of Marathi....even if it is written in Romi or 
reenginered Romi Script.

The more I think about it ....the more I agree with Godfrey Gonsalves and 
Floriano Lobo.

Francis, once again I thank You for your civility.


please visit "NEW" on The Goan Forum at http://www.colaco.net

The views on the website are ONLY those of the author. We publish opposing 
views (minus personal abuse) uncensored. Please note: ALL the views do NOT 
belong to JC or TGF

----Original Message Follows----
From: "Francis Rodrigues" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dear Jose,
My inbox went down over the Viva Goa photos, almost
1,500 hits daily, the e-mail response was staggering.

I must quickly weave together the disparate strands
uniting Rene, Goa Day & the Devanagiri script. Certainly
you may be right wrt the re-engineered Konkani Romi
script. That does not make wrong my displeasure with
the underhand slipping in of the much-detested Devanagiri
script into Goan life. It might be tolerated and even now
accepted alongside the Romi script, but must never again
be allowed to enslave us. For the record I'm not a 'mogi',
nor fluent in Devanagiri konkani, just the Devanagiri script.

Rene is the face of Goa Day, whose antecedents remain
unclear. Despite spirited defenses, there is a difference.
Credit must always be acknowledged, lest a maverick take
advantage of the vacuum. A co-ordinator and a genuine
founder are quite different. Like Solomon's judgement, a
genuine founder would have understood the call to arms.

Goa Day is a creation, an ephemeral child, of the diaspora.
How many Goans in Goa take even a moment's notice of it,
let alone celebrate it ? Therein lies your problem - the long
simmering resentment of native Goans with the diaspora,
and their glib, flighty, fanciful ways. When irate Goans march
for their script in the flooded, steamy streets of Goa, the
diaspora Goans are celebrating WGD with song and dance,
toasting their personal success year after year, tossing off
jarring phrases "boonies","freeway", summering","turnpike",
blah, blah, blah... is it any wonder brilliant writers like Elisabeth
end up being mauled by the likes of Cecil Pinto and Sunith V?

The diaspora could do heaps for those who fight on back home.
Like support the script battle. And if you think it is possible to
ignore those of our less fortunate brethren, then may I quote
Walter Pitkin in reminding you that we must remain the enemy
of the good - because to love the best is to see the whole Goan
world in a fresh and startling light. As with the origins of WGD,
that being possible to hate half-knowledge, half-hearted ideals,
half-skills, sussegado,complacency, sets fire to something inside you.

Like many, our Goan world perishes under the misleading of stupid
people who disbelieve in perfection. Pitkin again. Calling themselves
realists, they are actually victims of the vulgar myth of man's supreme,
invincible incompetence. Rank leaders rise up with the day, saving
Goa from the govt., the Raj, the ghanttiis, even Goans themselves.
Deeming people to be much worse than they are, these so-called
leaders become compromisers, shirkers, or false liberals who spout
words and choke on deeds. True leaders will unite the diaspora
and the native. And never allow ourselves to be sold short, of our
cuture or destiny. Verily "the price of freedom is eternal vigilance".


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