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----- Original Message -----=20
From: Melvyn Fernandes=20
Sent: Saturday, August 05, 2006 12:36 AM
Subject: When beer goes in the brains go out - Goan Festival uk 2006

Gabe Menezes rightly pointed out my error of calculating a 300ml can of =
beer instead of 500ml but ignores that I was trying to compare the price =
with the bar prices on a scale model at Viva Goa Toronto, My apologies =
to Greg Carvalho and the Bar team at the Goan Festival in London for any =
offence caused you did a splendid job in keeping with your motto of =
"aiming to please and not to Fleece". To me a can of beer is a can of =
beer I normally look for the strength rather than how many mils. Those =
in the know will confirm that the kidneys process one unit per hour =
regardless of how many mills had at the time, I am unable to confirm how =
many mils makes a unit as different beers vary in strength our caterers =
play an important part for serving quality food to ensure that visitors =
dont drink on an empty stomach  or end up with food poisoning and of =
course the musicians reliving our traditional music makes this annual =
fest a true Goan party with all the ingredients Good Food,Good Music and =
Drink to individual taste .Guests leave happier than when they came  =
ensuing a trouble free event an important safety issue for everyone.
I note the concerns expressed about the playing fields not being level =
at the Goan Associations UK   Sports Day this is not within my remit and =
will pass this on to the sports secretary and his team for any continued =
action with a suggestion that you  may volounteer to attend with a =
spirit level and carry out a risk assesment before each race or wet =
grass during the tug of war with appropriate signs in Yellow (uk =
standard colour for warning signs) Participants can then take part at =
their own risk saving our army of volounteers and armchair advisors  the =
paperwork in dealing potential litigation. The Goan Association UK as =
far as I am aware strives
to work in patnership with our Community and I am sure that all steps =
are taken to ensure the safety of all our visitors. Even though we are =
homeless and have to hire Grounds and facilities I look forward to yet =
another GOA sports day with three cheers to all our volounteers. I may =
be on your side of the Bar
Best Regards
Melvyn Fernandes
(written in a personal capacity)
5 August 2005
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