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Hi cornel,
To be short and to the point;I must assert that I

1) banning of "Ban of Cow Slaughter" leglislation in
every State and Union Territory In India. There is no
such 'ban on cow slaughter' leglislation in Goa, as
as I know. It is presumably a State Subject.

2) I also want legislation 'banning of protests and
violence' on public places like resautrants etc,
serving any type of food, like beef and or pork etc.
There should be legal and social tolerence and

3)No, I do not and did not support the ban on da Vinci
Code, in any form. But I also ask that the ban on
Satanic Verses and another similar one on some thing
relating to Hinduism and Hindutva, be withdrawn and
these be allowed to be read and be available
Take on these Muslims and Hindus and Christians who
say otherwise.
--- cornel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Nasci
> Simply for clarification only and if I got this
> right, I note that you do 
> not want a ban on cow slaughter (presumably in Goa)
> but I wonder if you 
> supported the ban on the Da Vinci Code film in Goa?
> If you did, can you 
> briefly please say why?
> Thanks
> Cornel

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