Hello Bosco,
I'm quite surprised by your outburst. You're doing more than "pick a 
bone" with me. 
For starters, it would have been fair to you and me, if you had kindly 
posted your original message to Goanet and my response to you alongwith
your outburst below. I have neither your original message or my
response to you.
If I recollect correctly, you were enquiring who was the moderator of 
the WGD yahoogroup and what was the criteria to join that yahoogroup.
I responded suggesting you contact Rene Barretto.]
Jen: Thank you for the clarification of your block of & response to my
post on Goanet. It was indeed strange that you chose to personally
answer my query when it was directed at a larger resource on Goanet. 

Outburst...is a strong term. Did you really wish me to post the
original mail and your response to Goanet? You did direct me to Rene.

Regarding your points:
1) It appears you did not contact Rene Barretto. Because if you did, 
you would have learnt that Rene is/was a MODERATOR of the WGD
yahoogroup. George Pinto has indicated that he created and disabled the
yahoogroup. He is *the* 
OWNER. Your subject message to Goanet was certainly long before George 
'disabled' the WGD yahoogroup (I think)?

1.      I had assumed Rene was a moderator of WGD. But IF that were true, he
would have received the group membership approval mail from yahoo. But
since it was not approved in the time frame required and was rejected,
I was surprised and thus the query on Goanet. WGD, I believed, was for
all Goans and there should not have been any problem being a member of
the WGD. But there was no chance for anyone to respond to my query, as
it didn’t appear on Goanet. 
Regarding emailing Rene about the membership; IF he was the moderator
and had not responded to the mail he had received from yahoo, how could
I hope he had the time to respond to mine?
But that is another matter and not the ‘bone’ I wished to pick with

2) There are many messages that come to Goanet that are innocuous 
queries. People ask for addresses / phone nos / emails of institutions
and people in Goa. Some ask for music. We respond directly without
sending the message to Goanet. As a moderator I can only read the
content of the email and understand what is said. I cannot read the
intent of the poster unless you are one of the very few vocal
Goanetters who persist in generating and participating in flame-wars
and indulge in several attempts to embarrass fellow Goanetters. I 
considered your query an innocuous one and gave you the right
information at the time. I did not understand then or now what is the
significance of your query and why you think it deserved to be

2.      If my post was innocuous, why not let someone else on goanet answer
my question since it was obviously beyond your comprehension what/ why
I was querying? I didn’t think it deserved to be ‘censored’ or
‘answered’ by you privately: that was the cause of my puzzlement! 

3) Goanet would not like to act as a megaphone for needless dissent and

infighting among Goans who are all trying to reach fellow Goans thru 
their websites, mailing lists, etc. Goanet would instead like to
support them -you see several posts from fellow Goans publicising their
websites and mailing lists on Goanet. I would hope those individuals
would afford Goanet the same opportunity by publicising Goanet on their
websites, mailing lists, 

3.      Am I guilty of any of these? 

4) Email is an impersonal mode of communication and people can be 
easily misunderstood. But if we persevere in using it and communicate a
lot more with each other, we will not end-up building walls around
ourselves, from behind which to throw flame-darts at each other. Too
bad you bottled-up your frustrations and harboured these thoughts all
these months. An email to me would have cleared up the air rather than
foster these feelings of mistrust all this time.

4.      I tried to communicate with goanetters with that little post. I
believe it was you who disallowed it. Yes, too bad you didn’t realize
how a little action on your part has lead to a grave misunderstanding.
There was no mistrust from my side just astonishment.

B:I hope I have addressed your apprehensions. If you have any further 
public or private comments to make with regard to this issue, feel free
to air them.The less suspicious we are of each other, the better for
all of us - for our own sake and the Global Goan community.

Jen: I am not suspicious of anyone. You need to know me better before
you make statements like that. 

Again, I thank you very much for your kind deliberation on this ‘bone’
that I have picked with you. I wish that you would learn to trust
goanet posters more and not misunderstand their intent behind posts. I
do appreciate that you give a lot of time and effort to the Goanet

Best Wishes - Bosco
Goanet Admin

The bone stands picked. The matter is now closed.
Warm regards,

Birmingham UK

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