--- George Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear Nasci
> I have my doubts if you truly respect Hindus from
> your comments on this forum. You take the
> actions of a fanatical few Hindvata types (who are
> not real Hindus) to disparage Hindus in
> general.

NASCI responds:
Dear George,
I do respect Hindus as people, but cannot find enough
reasons/gut to support their beliefs re worship of
'animals'; as also their caste system and prejudices
that 'FOREVER' condemn people who so called low born.
These are the most idiotic and primitive philosophies
and actions ever practiced on Planet Earth! What's
worse is they do not keep this private, but are
actively 'imposing' these on non believers and
agnostics, thru actions like slaughter ban and street
saffron cow/ bull FASHION  Parades!???

How come you have not spoken out against these? Does
this mean that you are yourself 'caste prejudiced' and
so primitive in thought to find that animals are above
some human beings?
How come the majority Hindus, who you say are good,
are supporting this Hindutva nonsense; and how come
this 'GOOD? majority does not RISE AGAINST these
hedeous acts? Hmmm?

George Pinto states:
 Yes, of course the caste system is wrong,
> but that is your crutch to attack Hinduism.

Nasci explains:

This caste system is not something peripheral in its
effects on individuals and society; it is the very
essence of segregation and apartheid and the misery
that engulfs the unfortunate!
It's like saying that 'Apartheid in S. Africa should
not have been attacked and dismantled; that it was
just a 'Crutch' western and Eastern had against the
earstwhile regime! Oh George, how much more of this
'pro Hindu Atrocities Bias' are you hiding??

George Pinto states:
> you conveniently state it is not part of this
> thread, when Goan Catholic injustices are brought to
> your attention. If you had the spine, why don't you
> address women's equality and Goan Catholics or
> do you agree with my comments below.
Nasci responds:

Whenever you are talking of discrimination in Goan
Catholic Society against women; what you are really
talking up is 'MALE CHAUVINISM". This has existed
amidst MAN (not sexist here) since the time of Adam
and EVE! It continues today in all soieties and
religious groups a well as with the non religious
groups, eastern and western! What varies is the
'degree of male chauvinism', and its observance! 

As you would know, it is not peculiar to Goan
Catholics or any other group; but is universal. 
Most prevalent in Muslim society, less so amongst
Hindus and Christians and even the Jews have
This 'male chauvinism' "injustice" as you are prone to
call it, pales into insignificance when compared to
'everlasting' Casteism and animal worship, and the
trampling of Harijans under upper class feet!

Do you not think that'GOA SUDHAROP' under your
leadership should start with Sudharop of Brahmins and
Ksatriyas etc to this end, and the uplifting of the
people who are being trodden upon??  Do start with the
the Hindu top castes please. Such Sudharop will have a
'greater good impact' on Hindu and Catholic society.
Will you and Marlon take up this challenge? I ask
Marlon Menezes to donate at least a Million Dollars to
this cause, as also his time, talent and sacrifice!
Then let him self publish his donation!

That is the raeson I say these are matters not in
keeping with my original thread. So also your 'now and
then' comments on women Priests and cannonised
Indian/Goan Saints. Let me tell you that these come
under 'Church Reform' Where is your topic under this
thread? These do not impact on 'other' communities in
any way. Is it not so?

No hard feelings, George! just asking for
compassionate thinking and ACTION. With regards,

Nasci Caldeira.

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