Hi Mario,

Mario writes:
Sadly for your case, you start off with a false premise.When exactly did I 
say what you say I said?
Actually I said just the opposite, that atheists and religious types can be 
evil from time to time.

Sunith respnds:
My mistake!! I'm extremely sorry for attributing the quote/belief to you.

Mario writes:
The most racist Americans are the ones who patronize and want minorities to 
be dependent on the government.
That's the worst thing one can do to a person in afree market economy.

Sunith responds:
I always thought the most racist Americans were the ones who wanted 
minorities mariginalised. Thank you for opening my eyes. So now in the world 
according to Mario, Racism equals "wanting minorties to be dependent on the 
government." Wow!! Do you ever read what you write.

Mario writes:
You seem to have a lot of preconceived notions and straw men.Several Islamic 
Imams I have talked to
confirm, referencing the Qu'ran, that what these guys are being taught and 
brainwashed violates every one of
the Islamic moral codes.  Suicide is specifically prohibited in the Qu'ran.

Sunith responds:
In the world NOT according to Mario, it is a known fact(not pre concieved 
notion) that many fidayeen are trained in madarasas.I have also seen several 
Islamic Imams on Al-Jazeera TV and some websites justify mujahideen blowing 
themselves up during a Jihad. There are indeed many Imams who consider the 
fidayeen as martyrs. So whose interpretation is according rock solid moral 
code?? The Imams you allegedly talked to or those I have read/seen?? Do your 
"Imam friends" agree with your use of the term Islamo-fascist to describe 
the Iraqi fighters in Iraq or are they your "cafeteria" friends??

On a related note, the Bishop of Jerusalem yesterday called George Bush a 
"Christless Christian" on BBC World's Hard Talk. If I am expected to believe 
your "Imam friends" views on Islam then I'll surely have to believe Riah Abu 
El-Assal's(the bishop) views on GWB.

I think the better choice is to make up my own mind after considering FACTS, 
not mindlessly parroting the propaganda I'm fed.

Sunith Velho

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