On 17/08/06, Sachin Phadte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In the valuable comments that Elisabeth offers, there is one that struck  me
> somewhat odd, which is: "It is perhaps the inherent religious  chauvinism of
> host countries that makes Muslims feel disenfranchised  when they
> emmigrate."
> If this be correct, then surely other religious migrants like Buddhist,
> Sikhs, Hindus, etc., should also feel disenfranchised.  Has this  happened?

It happens. But not on the scale that is visible when it comes to that
self-fulfilling prophecy of a Clash of Civilisations between Islam and
Christendom. For some reason (maybe closer contact, and rivalries in
trade, etc), the Western/Christian suspicion of Islam runs far deeper.
History records that the first who were slaughtered in Goa when the
Portuguese landed here in 1510 and "rivers of blood" flowed in the
streets were the Muslims.

Maybe Hinduism, Buddhism and Sikhism (incidentally, and totally
off-topic here, Sikhism is today's featured article on Wikipedia at
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page ) are more remote
geographically and numerically for the West to be obsessed by that.
The clash over resources (including controlling the trade to Asia)
goes back centuries.

See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam_in_Europe
In some cases, relations between Europeans and Muslims are tense
today, causing growing racism and xenophobia from both sides. During
the half-century before World War II, religious persecution in Europe
was chiefly Anti-Semitic. After the Holocaust and exodus of the Jews
from Europe, some believe that these attitudes were replaced by
anti-Islam tendencies.....

Another reality is that some of those bigoted Clash of Civilisation
types would like to imagine that they have junior allies in their
battles. And the way Hindutva (the politicised reality, not Hinduism
the religion) is warming up to Zionism and its militaristic approaches
shows that both sides involved in this proposed marriage might be
actually working to make it happen! Of course, building a feeling of
community based on religious identity alone is FN
Frederick Noronha http://fn.goa-india.org  9822122436 +91-832-240-9490
http://fredericknoronha.wordpress.com [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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