Very interesting submission below under the 'TRIBUTE TO GOAN SENIORS' category 
for the GOA
SUDHAROP GOAN SENIORS E-book. Please send your submission to [EMAIL PROTECTED]




By Frederick Noronha
fred at bytesforall dot org

He has played many roles in life: scout-master, artist, teacher, a Jesuit...but 
none so unusual as
that of being a wine-maker. Edwin Saldanha's book on the subject, which he 
penned without much
thought due to the badgering of some friends, has not only entered a second 
edition but also
promises to block no secrets about this unusual art.

"Let me boast a little," says Saligao-based Saldanha, now 85-years-old. "My 
book is the only one
in the whole world that tells you how to make wine from tropical fruits." For 
instance, it has
recipes on how to make wine from mangoes, bananas, cashews, and even the local 
fruit known as
kokum (bindnna) or jambul.

Secrets of successful wine-making are considered to form an ancient tradition, 
which has often
been closely-guarded by many cultures. But Saldanha's 'Successful Goan Home 
Wines' says it
"exposes these secrets to amateurs through... time-tested techniques".

Appreciation has come in from far and wide. When this writer wrote a review of 
an earlier edition
for a newspaper in Bangalore, the publisher said orders came in for over 70 
copies of the unusual

"Some boys from South Africa tasted it and said it really tastes like sherry 
(the blended,
fortified wine from Spain that varies from very light to dark brown in colour). 
Yet it was wine
made from the cheapest possible fruit you could use in Goa -- cashew."

One lady from Germany brought in cream of sherry. "Believe it or not, it's no 
different from my
wine," says Saldanha.

This octogenarian former schoolteacher at St Britto's (Mapusa) and earlier a 
scout-master in the Goa scouting movement, has a strange story of how this book 
came to be. "This
book saw the light of day because of Dr Nandkumar Kamat (a microbiologist and 
from Goa, deeply
interested in researching various aspects of local life)," he says, and 
narrates how he was egged
on to put his knowledge on paper.

It happened that he was recovering from an operation, when Dr Kamat dropped in 
for a visit with a
government official. On being offered a glass of wine, the visitors were 
intrigued over how it was
made. "They begged me to putdown on paper how it was done, before I die," says 

He put together a rough manuscript, which they polished up. "My biggest 
surprise was when they
came after a month, with the artwork, and clicked a photograph of myself, in a 
new shirt, for the
back-cover (of the first edition that came out half-a-dozen years ago)."

Saldanha's wine-making skills run deep.

"I've make wine from everything. One journalist asked me, 'Uncle, what *don't* 
you make wine
from?" says Saldanha, who jokes that this can be done even from the soles of 
old shoes! "I've been
making wine as a boy of 13 or 14. My mother too was interested in wine-making," 
says he.

Saldanha, at one stage in his life, joined the Catholic religious order of the 
Jesuits. Based in
Belgaum, outside Goa, the Jesuits then were caught in the cross-fire between 
unfriendly ties
between India and Portuguese-ruled colonial Goa. So, they needed to make their 
own religious wine
for mass, since supplies from Goa were then blocked.

This was done in a roundabout way. In those days, India didn't have grape 
orchards. So, dry
raisins were imported from Greece. These were soaked in wooden barrels, to make 
wine. "It's very
simple. Dry raisins kept in boiling water, stored overnight, act much like 
grapes do (in the
process)," he points out.

In his view, the easiest fruit from which to make wine is, of course, grapes. 
"There's the right
proportion of yeast and sugar in grapes."

His own story gives an insight into the history of Goan migration, even in the 
early and
mid-twentieth century.

Saldanha was born in Entebbe, in colonial East Africa. "That time there were no 
schools there, and
parents used to send us to a European lady to learn  our ABC. At the age of 
eight, I was sent to
Goa to do my primary education, and got stuck here till 1949," he recalls, 
memory razor-sharp.

Later, he went back to spend two decades in East Africa. But, he says 
sardonically, "By then, all
the trees which used to grow gold coins had already been shaken. Kenya was 
beginning to fight for
Uhuru (or freedom... and things were getting tough for the many Goan emigrants 
in that region)."

Saldanha quotes his Canada-based veterinarian son Kevin as saying there's good 
demand for the book
among even just relatives and friends in that part of the globe. Incidentally, 
cities like Toronto
have a Goan population that runs into a few thousands, but all buyers of the 
book need not
necessarily be Goan. Even though the Rs 60 book (in it second edition, now out, 
it's priced at Rs
80) is could easily be sold for five Canadian dollars a copy.

Someone reported back that they picked up the wine-making book from a railway 
book-shop in Sydney,
Australia. "Something which I did just as a past-time has turned out to be 
quite a success," says
he, with a tinge of pride.

But what was his motivation?

"Every man and woman would like to do something which could help other people. 
We should not die
before we do something for the improvement or happiness of others," he suggests.

Most wine-makers, unfortunately,  believe that their secrets should never be 
let out "because
(they say) if too many keep trying to make wine, you get sour wine," says 

What makes wine different from, say, whiskey or liqueur? Wine is not distilled. 
It is fermented,
and the sugar in the fruit is converted to alcohol, says Saldanha.

Women tend to prefer sweet wine, so sugar can be added -- in a process known as 
'doctoring' the
wine. "There's no secret I know that I've knowingly keptout of this book," says 
he, with a touch
of pride about his openness in sharing information and knowledge. A Dutch 
friend, visiting this
octogenarian-winemaker, commented that this attitude indeed reflected 'open 
source' -- keeping
knowledge free for being transmitted to whoever can use it.

"You just try making one of the most unusual types of wines mentioned -- wine 
made of milk. Do try
it," he challenges. Even scientists said it never ccurred to them that milk, 
when curdled, could
be used to make wine, he says. (There are two recipes for 'milk wine' in this 
book, and one
the use of condensed milk with sweet limes, sugar, nutmeg, a little Vodka and 
other spices like
cloves and cinnamon. 

"Any young educated person can set up a complete industry by making wines on a 
large scale. It was
only when I visited Canada (to visit children abroad) that I understood what 
'large-scale' really
means. They have 50 barrels of a hundred gallons each, every day. Everything 
there is mechanised,"
he says.

Saldanha narrates how he managed to trace recipes of wine-making from a priest 
in Nachinola
village, even as these closely guarded recipes were almost being consigned to 
the flames after the
latter's death. "After he had died, his sister-in-law was burning up all his 
'useless' papers. In
that was one of the recipes," says he.

Saldanha says that places like Goa -- with its one-time Portuguese influence -- 
had a tradition
where affluent women retained closely-guarded secrets on making wine. "They 
don't sell it, but
only use it for festivals and feasts, and make it in small quantities."

Other visitors to Goa also vouch that they've consumed wine, at some coastal 
restaurants in South
Goa villages like Benaulim, which was home-made.

Saldanha believes that some distillers of Goa's traditional liquors -- 
including the
traditional-brew feni -- use an adulterating chemical substance popularly 
called 'navsagar' or
diluted industrial alcohol to produce more. This is done with little regard for 
the health of
consuming it.

"Liquor being sold at Rs 30-40 per bottle is probably made by adding Navsagar", 
says he. "Some of
the feni you get in beautiful bottles with beautiful labels could actually be 
poison. More genuine
liquor should be higher priced," says he.

He says some friends were urging him to write a book on cooking next. "My style 
of cooking is to
dump in some leaves or whatever I can lay my hands on. Provided it tastes good. 
And if it doesn't
taste good, just add one Maggi cube," he says with his sardonic sense of humour 
and the twinkle in
his eye. For someone who encountered Saldanha as a wide-eyed 12-year-old 
schoolboy, the problem
remains that one simply doesn't know when to take him seriously.

It might be a really good idea, we suggested.

"Oh, no," said he. "I've reached a stage where enough is enough. I'm angry with 
that fellow
upstairs. Because I've got a passport, but no visa," he complains with mock ire.

"'He' says there's no need for artists up there. But then, I say, who'll paint 
all those images of
the many saints in heaven," he said, betraying some hints of enjoying the joke.

Saldanha argues that a tiny bit of wine is healthy, specially after one crosses 
two-score and ten.
"(It's not good) for those young boys falling down in gutters near the bars," 
says he. His advice:
a small 40 to 60 milliliter peg, taken at food time, and well diluted for 
someone above 50.
This, he believes, could help digestion and circulation.
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