JoeGoaUk wrote:

This has the reference to my yesterday's mail on Various DJs in Goa..
Where I said there are up to  3 DJs by the name 'Ryan' and there would
be just One Ryan Pinto

By reading today's NT. (See pic insert)  it is now evidedent that
there are more than one RYAN PINTOs.

The real name of accused Ryan Pinto is Jovita Ryan Francisco dos
Remdious Pinto A third year law student at MS Salgaokars College of
Law, Miramar, as this was disclosed by his own maternal uncle in
Today's GT under caption 'The role of the police seems odd'.

Where as another DJ Ryan Pinto has inserted a display add in NT (see

I only give this update only to prove I was wrong in yesterday's mail
to say there would be only one Ryan Pinto. The dabate on DJs started
when some of you wanted to know 'Which Ryan'?

Aristo clarifies:

Hi Goanetters,

I think this is a misconception that the accused Ryan Pinto is a DJ in
the first place. I checked the reports on NT, and I see no mention of
it. While I was in Goa for the whole of last week on vacation, I
happened to meet DJ Ryan Pinto while doing my rounds at the night
spots (of course, with due benign neglect to the smokers and
alcoholics around me).  He was understandably quite upset with this
whole situation of everyone confusing him for the accused, especially
since he is from Mapusa too. (I regretted my cheesy "hey Ryan, you out
on bail?" greeting I pulled on him)

PS. This will be my last post for this week, as I have a lot of
catching up to do with work, and my time management skills are poor. I
was a bit prompt with my responses last week only because I was
completely bekar at home. It's back to one post a week for me.
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