My dear Francis,

Once again, I thank you for the courtesy and civility you extend in your 
replies. Please accept my para bens for your achievement and work in the 
field of corporate law.

I do have some questions & comments though ...and here they go:

1: re: 'intellectual property' and WGD: Would you please direct me to the 
Government Organisation with which legal information and registration (wrt 
World Goa Day) has been deposited? Would you also please advise us in whose 
name the 'patent', 'copyright' etc has been registered ...and when?.

2: re: 'economy with the truth' and Goans: Thus far, it has been my 
experience that the Goans I know well, are pretty straightforward with me. I 
can only offer my sympathies if that has not been your experience with 

3: re: 'Theft': I believe that most common law jurisdictions will require 
atleast Appropriation in the Actus Rea, &  Dishonesty as part of the Mens 
Rea for it to be a theft. And that (I submit again) would be an objective 
test based upon a Ghosh direction. Would you agree? Are you saying that the 
5 (I believe) prerequisites for Theft have been met wrt to the WGD idea?

So, If I may ask again ...From WHOM was this IDEA of WGD "appropriated" ?

4: re: Sardars and levity: It is my personal (unlearned) opinion that in 
many civilian jurisdictions, Racial/Ethnic comments attract special 
attention when it comes to 'sentencing'. Do you agree?

5: re: Toronto Goanetters WGD lunch and the money raised for Konkani: I can 
only say Shabash. Yes, ULO is moving to the centre. This latest edition is 
in Konkani which is far less contrived than the Super-Natent and Gulabi 
Konkani which need (as Mr. Parrikar noted about one of the papers) a 
dictionary to understand!

Once again ... Thanks for your attention





Francis Rodrigues wrote:

Dear Jose,

1: I'm now into corporate law, but as an attorney, handled a number of 
briefs in the field of 'intellectual property'.

2: Being economical with the truth comes easily to many, including our own 
Goans - Rene is not immune.

3: If you Google 'World Goa Day founder' only Rene's name appears....You can 
google last year's GV Canada, for a clear Goa Day msg from Rene himself, 
headlined as Founder.

4: There is no cause for being disingenuous. IP - intellectual property - is 
an individual's own creation, idea, invention.

5: Stealing this is outright theft; of his/her idea & good name.

6: There are a huge number of unanswered questions as to the use and abuse 
of WGD.

7: I needed to inject levity, instead of acrimony, into the WGD controversy, 
hence the Sardar ref!

8: We had a small Goanetters WGD lunch in Toronto yesterday. At the end we 
raised a modest sum for Konkani. Now if every WGD function tried the same 
everywhere, every year, wouldn't that be a real WGD, a 'Wonderful Goa Day'?

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