Dear Jose,
I know you as a kind, caring physician. However I do
also recognize that arguing with you is a thankless task
all round - for the reader, the writer, the netter. Why
don't you stick to medicine, and leave the law to others?

Your patient (RB) is not terminal - as yet. I'm sure he
does not need you to defend him, his vocal chords are
yet in order - we have been hearing them loud enough
in cyberspace for half a dozen years now ! It is time to
let him speak for himself. Secondhand is second-guessing.

You asked for proof of your patient's WGD claims. When
supplied you did not refute them. Now you are being
disingenuous again, quoting the letter of the law. Let's
cut to the chase - a simple yes or no will do. Is Rene
Barretto the founder and originator of the World Goa
Day idea ? Has WGD done anything concrete for Goa?

Kind regards,


>My dear Francis,
>Once again, I thank you for the courtesy and civility you extend in your 
>replies. I do have some questions & comments though ...
>1: re: 'intellectual property' and WGD:  Would you also please advise us in 
>whose name the 'patent', 'copyright' etc has been registered ...and when?.
Are you saying that the 5 (I believe) prerequisites for Theft
>have been met wrt to the WGD idea?
>So, If I may ask again ...From WHOM was this IDEA of WGD "appropriated" ?

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