--- Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear Cecil,
> There was no need to berate Helga publicly. Helga
> has no claims to being the literati of Goa. She had
> merely written a witty post on the subject of 
> inculcating our culture in second-generation expats.
Mario observes:
I see a new "third-party" sensitivity displaying
itself on Goanet?
For the second time this week I see one Goanetter
[first Roland and now Selma] haranging or berating a
second Goanetter [first Mario and now Cecil] for
haranging or berating a third Goanetter {first Albert
and now Helga] for something they had posted.
In the meantime, there have been no signs that the
alleged targets of the alleged original harangues
[Albert and then Helga] had taken any umbrage,
obviously because they are class acts and took their
harangues in the positive and affectionate spirit of
camaraderie in which the original harangues were
issued by Mario and Cecil.
Cecil and I don't harangue anyone who is not worthy of
a good friendly harangue, and very occasionally
someone who deserves an unfriendly harangue:-))
We are more often used to seeing those who felt
haranged or berated spiritedly answer or defend
themselves and counter-harangue or counter-berate the
person who had haranged or berated them.  Now we are
seeing what can only be described as "umbrage by
This is an open worldwide free-for-all - well, almost
- forum.  In my never humble opinion, people in such a
forum can opine all they like and harangue all they
like, even spread propaganda like mad and attack
religion and even passionately advance the absurd
notion an epitome of evil was a Christian in good
standing.  It is up to others to counter-opine and
counter-harangue and point out the absurdities, all in
the spirit of free speech that some have given their
lives to defend and others take for granted.
BTW, the "umbrage by proxy" is also fair play
[everything is fair play on Goanet unless the FOUR BIG
KAHUNAS declare it "off-topic" or "over-the-top"], and
no one should interpret this as yet another harangue,
rather just a passing observation:-))

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