--- "Fernandes, Alan" wrote:
> It is sad to hear that Konkani is dying.
> It look like going the same way as what happened to
> Marathi in Bombay.
> We Goans Should first continue speaking to our
> children in Konkani, not only Goans in Goa but 
> Goans wherever they live around the world. We Goans 
> have to deal with this situation, 
> Please do not leave this to the Politicians.
> (Can you believe that since independence Goa had
> more that 12 or more CM, looks like they are more 
> greed for Power than the welfare of Goa)
Mario asks:
While I respect your obviously heartfelt opinion,
people tend to use the language that serves them best
wherever they may live.  However, learning other
languages is always a good idea for all kinds of
I'm not sure that Konkani is "dying".  Time will tell.
However, I'm sure it is dying among expatriates and
their foreign born children, but I believe it will
survive in Goa and the rest of the Konkan Coast.  The
last time I was in Goa I noticed several non-Goans
working there who had learned and spoke Konkani
Regarding politicians, how do you think they get into
office in a democracy?  Their "greed for power" would
fail if honest people would get motivated and organize
and run against them or, at least vote for better
People tend to get the government they deserve.

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