Mario wrote:

- I have not been trying to prove that Hitler was an atheist.
- I have on numerous occasions described the Crusaders and Inquisition
Christians as Christian-fascists because they conducted their heinous
acts in the name of Christianity.
- I could care less about anyone'e beliefs or non-beliefs.

Aristo Responds:


I am only replying because if what you say above is indeed true, it
seems that I owe you an apology. But before that, it is only fair that
I tell you why I involved you in the "camp", and that you clarify a
few doubts for me:

Now I think that you are at least smart enough not to make any direct
bigoted statements, but what you say and what you think are two
different things. I came to my conclusion based on a few clues that
you left behind:

1) When I previously asked you "Can a Christian be a fascist?", you
seemed to get defensive instead of your standard "Yes" or "No" or your
emphatic "Of course!" and "Sheesh!" to the rest of the "Can a"
questions answered by you. Here's what you stated:
"Not a Christian who follows the rock solid Christian moral code.
However, there have been people who claimed to be Christian but
followed NOT A SINGLE tenet of the rock solid moral code, who were
fascist......These included the Crusaders and the Inquisition types of
ancient times, and Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and the Mafioso more

You could have simply said "Yes, Of course! Sheesh! but not a
Christian who blah blah blah...".  I did not ask about any Code or
their "claims". I simply asked whether a Christian can be a fascist,
considering the fact that you use the word Islamofascist without a
second thought! But Im glad you clarified that there can be
Christianofascists now. But just to make sure:
What, in your not so humble opinion, was Hitler? An Atheist, an
Agnostic or a malevolent Christian fundamentalist (as opposed to a
benevolent tolerant Christian)?

2)  In every second post from you, you never fail to mention the
atrocities of Atheist dictators like Pol Pot and Mao, etc, and also
Fidel Castro in your recent post. (BTW, if you have time, can you give
a detailed account of Fidel Castro's brutalities with reference to
unbiased [read non-American] sources, apart from him being a dictator
and his unjust imprisonment of political opponents which I already
know about). You also never fail to repeat (in true American
propaganda style) that the body count of Atheist dictators are more
than that of Theistic dictators like Saddam Hussain, etc. This is
especially when no one has even bothered to argue this. The general
interpretation of this is Atheist = BAD! Theist = GOOD!

But, as you have previously acknowledged, Atheists are unorganised
individuals without any tenets or moral code. So how does the actions
of certain Atheist individual dictators reflect upon other Atheists.
No Atheist can represent another or speak for another. Please also
note that I have not seen anyone trying to prove that because Hitler
was a practising Christian with misguided support from certain
religious authorities, that it represents Christianity as evil. So
what exactly are you trying to imply with the above statements? Please
do tell so that they are not open to interpretation.

And finally, what, in your not so humble opinion, is the reason for
atrocities committed by Pol Pot, Mao, Hitler, Saddam, Modi, etc?
a) The Theological belief itself that they were affiliated to OR;
b) The fundamentalist interpretations, ideas, agenda's, or mental
conditions of the individual perpetrators?

If the answers to the above questions warrant an apology, I will
gladly offer one.

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