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Hi Mario,

In the world not according to Mario and according to the Merriam-Webster 
dictionary the word "flee" means:
1 a : to run away often from danger or evil : FLY b : to hurry toward a 
place of security
2 : to pass away swiftly : VANISH

I am doing none of the above in my decision to study in the U.K. It is quite 
obvious that you you have no idea of Masters Courses in Mobile 
Communications in India, so I wont bother to argue with you about that.

Also, I do not consider you nor most other NRG netters, short sighted 
cowards. However if any Goan chooses to "flee" because of the so called 
"deteriorating law and order situation" they will make my list.

About those rampant English girls, I am a bit worried but only because my 
girl friend is already there :))


Sunith Velho

Mario asks:
Hey, Sunith, aren't you "fleeing" to the UK shortly?
Whether those rampant English girls will let you
return or not only time will tell:-))
Aren't Indian universities good enough for someone who
prefers "to stay here and work for its betterment come
hell or high water."???
Seems to me it didn't take much hell or high water to
go looking for alleged wisdom from our former colonial
masters:-))  What are you going to learn from them
that you cannot learn in India?
Doesn't sound very brave either to need an emotional
Goan security blanket and the support and sympathy of
friends and family in a less developed economy instead
of taking on the world on their home field:-))
I think you owe all of us short-sighted cowards an

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