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Peter has completely misunderstood my attitude,
positions and views with respect to Hitler and
religion, in general.

I provide below brief responses to his misstatements.

--- Peter D'Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Yes, and the source of information is a
>"fundamentalist" or a group of "fundamentalists".
>Unless, of course, answers.org is a google-like bot
>that generates articles via computer programs.

Here is a definition of an ad hominem attack provided
by Gilbert:

"Argumentum ad Hominem (abusive and circumstantial):
the fallacy of attacking the character or
circumstances of an individual who is advancing a
statement or an argument instead of trying to disprove
the truth of 
the statement or the soundness of the argument. Often
the argument is characterized simply as a personal

I did not attack "the character or circumstances of an
individual who was advancing a statement or an
argument". The source is a website. Pointing out the
easily verifiable fact that it is a fundamentalist
religious website is not a personal attack on an
individual who was advancing a statement or an
argument. Moreover, Fundamentalism is a
well-recognized sect of Christianity, just like

> Nice attempt at deflection. Why mention that it is
> fundamentalist at all if you're only concerned with

Because it is a pertinent fact, as I have

>Does this quote prove the influence of Catholic
>teaching and doctrine on Hitler or, instead, Hitler's
>influence with the Vatican hierarchy?

The quote was provided to show that the selective
quotes which the website provided did not tell the
whole story. In other words, one could not rest one's
notions about the issue based on those selective
quotes, as Peter exhorted us to do. One had to read
the whole book, and other books on the subject.

>I'm still trying to figure out how someone so
>self-obsessed and concerned about leaving his imprint
>on history can be construed as a devout Catholic,
>based on the above quote.

That quote was also provided to show that the
selective quotes which the website provided did not
tell the whole story. In other words, one could not
rest one's notions about the issue based on those
selective quotes, as Peter exhorted us to do. One had
to read the whole book, and other books on the

>"Unbiased" folk examine Catholic teaching on the one
>hand, and Hitler's actions (and words) on the other,
>and conclude that his alleged devotion to the church
>of Rome was pure. Correct? 

No. Hitler was a criminal with a devious, psychopathic
mind. His religious beliefs or lack thereof had
nothing to do with his atrocious actions.

>You almost make me think that I have a bias in favour
>of Catholicism!

Does Gilbert know that Peter is not in favor of

>I have a perfectly fine understanding of what
>fundamentalism is. I don't know why you bring it up
>when the conversation is about Hitler.

Because Peter claimed that merely pointing out that a
website is a fundamentalist religious one is tantamout
to an ad hominem attack. 

> SanTosh, you have clearly missed the entire point.

On the contrary, I think it is Peter who has missed
the point. If he had read my post 4 years ago on
Hitler, the link to which I provided in my last post,
and my recent response to Jose in the present debate,
he would have realized what my views on this issue
have always been.

> Good luck to you on your crusade againt organized
> religion.

The above statement is a clear demonstration of how
Peter has completely misunderstood my position with
respect to religion. People who know me or have
understood (with intellectual honesty and without
prejudice and/or malice towards me or towards what I
am perceived to represent) everything I have written
in this and other forums, know that I merely write in
defense of the non-religious and religious minorities
who are being targeted by the self-righteous,
ideologically-driven crusaders.  In every single case,
I have only defended against the bogus charge that
non-religious people are immoral solely by virtue of
the fact that they are non-religious. Towards this
end, I have also demonstrated the falsity of the
underlying self-righteous, chauvinistic notion that
followers of a particular religion are unquestionably
moral simply because they are religious people.


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