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I decided not to allow Gilbert's wisdom to waste in his benign neglect of 
smokers, atheists,
homosexuals and wife-cheaters. So I printed 20 copies of his rock solid moral 
advice (call is
Gilbert's wisdom sheet) and took it to the Anjuna Wednesday night flea market 
today to hand out to
immoral people.

1. 5 smokers passed by and I gave them each a copy of Gilbert's wisdom sheet. 
They took the paper,
rolled a joint and delightedly smoked it while thanking Gilbert.
2. 5 atheists came along and I warned them they need to pay heed to Gilbert's 
wisdom sheet to save
their behind from the fires of hell. They quickly took the sheet, placed it on 
the ground and sat
on it to save their behind and pants from the red soil. 
3. 5 homosexuals came along and were looking for protection. You have come to 
the right place I
told them, here is Gilbert's wisdom sheet to protect you from sin and eternal 
damnation. They took
the paper and since this is a family friendly forum I cannot disclose how they 
used it for
4. Finally, 5 wife-cheaters came by. Sinners, how can you ignore the code, I 
admonished them on
behalf of Gilbert. Oh yes they replied, we often forget the code and proceeded 
to write down the
phone codes of all the immoral women who had given them their phone numbers.

I will be visiting the Friday Mapusa bazaar soon. Gilbert, please send more 


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