* G * O * A * N * E * T **** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *
Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
         There is no better, value for money, guest house.
              Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.
Dear Selma,

As the spokesperson of the Party, I must say that that there is a grain of
truth in what you have said and in what you believe. And, can anyone blame
the expat Goans for the sad trend that you have portrayed? If I were to
leave Goa, I would do leave a frustrated man because even if I wanted to die
for Goa, Goa would just discard me as a dead stray dog. WHO CARES? For one
Goan lost, there could be 10 coming in from Kashmir, Gujarat, Bihar etc who
would grumble less and pay more to get everything they need. And if I sold
my house and property to the first highest bidder, which would invariably be
the outsider, I would even forget the 'Kalchi Kodi' and the 'Amot Tikh'  and
say goodbye to Goa for ever and just run away.

Moreover, a lot many Goan vultures have decended on the expats, from time to
time, whether it may be in the Gulf, UK etc.  in the name of 'bleeding for
Goa' only to collect funds to line their own pockets. Recently we saw the
defunct NRI-Cell Committee going to the Gulf, headed by our right honourable
ex-MLA Herculano Dourado & Co., to do what?, I wonder!.  Where does the
money grow in the Gulf? On the date-palms, I suppose?.

As far as this party is concerned, saving Goa has never been  the thought
behind its formation. It was more for the itch of  cutting the throats of
the very Goans who so bleed for Goa , so that they could bleed profusely at
one shot and die a painful death. And, have we been doing something towards
that end. Sure! For one thing we have contributed to a very small extent in
making a small slit in the throat of the BJP in Goa. We want to see to it
that Manohar Parrikar is hounded out of Goa, to Nagpur more likely, if we
can help. Secondly, we want to help cut the gloated throats of every
Congressmen, new and old, because they all work for themselves rather than
for the Congress Party. We want to cut the throat of Dr. Wilfred D'Souza
with the finest of the scalpel available so that he does not,  in the least,
feel that his throat has been cut. Singularly, this man has inflicted more
damage unto Goa than any other person in Goa's history, and is still at it.
The rest have already cut their own throats as it were to make out work

This Party believes that our expat Goans are suffering from the lack of real
entertainment in their new found home countries. Besides, they have to work
their hardest to keep up to the levels of new standards of living. Can we
blame them? Naaaah! Therefore, the mission this party has embarked upon to
identify and eliminate these Goan hyenas by slitting their throats will give
the expats a humongous pleasure besides making them feel  much at ease,
just like one feels after a good body massage (how we say in Konkani ....
'Angachi borich dukh ghueli') through this absolutely free of cost
entertainment - a tit for tat for the miseries they have suffered for not
being allowed to make their lives in their own motherland and having to run

And this party has decided to give a warm welcome to any/all expats who may
want to come-back to their beloved Goa when the dirty blood from the dirty
throats have dried out and the stink subsided, not for their money, but for
their enthusiasm to come back to their own motherland and to contribute to
its meteoric growth which is inevitable considering that they constitute the
'brain' that was voluntarily  drained from Goa.

And this Party will hand-over a clean-healthy Goa into their hands so that
they can run it well as according to their needs, always remaining alert to
weed-out and burn,  until charred,  those who might show early signs of
growing-up into the detestable hyenas in the future in the footsteps of  our
dear Curtorim's tallest hyena  and that of the fattest and shortest one from

We thank you, dear Selma, for getting this out from our insides through your
wonderful wonderful post below and for making us breath easy and well once

We remain,

Yours faithfully,


----- Original Message -----
From: "Carvalho" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" <goanet@lists.goanet.org>
Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2006 4:38 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] A CALL TO ALL GOANS

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> * G * O * A * N * E * T **** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
>          There is no better, value for money, guest house.
>               Confirm your bookings early or miss-out
>   Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Dear Save Goa Front,
> I have some rather depressing news for you. Goans
> "settled outside of Goa" do not care about Goa. I
> don't want to undermine the work done by such
> organisations as Goa Sudharop or the amounts
> repatriated by Gulf Goans or the interest shown by
> determined expatriate Goans, but apart from a
> minuscule minority, the vast majority of expatriate
> Goans and their children care a whit about Goa.
> I personally know of friends and family, people who
> benefited from a subsidised Goan education, who've
> gone on to become doctors and entrepreneurs in foreign
> countries, who have nothing but a passing interest in
> Goa.
> How else can you explain the lack of expatriate funded
> hospitals or schools or scholarships or even a
> heartfelt support of our writers or artists? Oprah
> Winfry who is no more African than J F Kennedy was
> Irish, has always maintained a bond with Africa. A
> bond that recently made possible a 40 million dollar
> school, in South Africa.
> Perhaps we've trained our ears not to listen to the
> wind-flute that calls our name from our native land.
> Perhaps we've become so engrossed in paying our second
> mortgages and driving our third car out of the 2 floor
> garage. Whatever it is, we've failed miserably and
> each succeeding generation distances itself even more.
> Please don't wait for the diaspora to help you. Goa
> rests in your own hands. We will have our functions
> where sorpatel is eaten with gusto and matters of Goa
> debated with indignation but that is as far it will
> go. A two week holiday and trinkets bought at Arjuna,
> completes this voyage of self-discovery on part of
> second-generation expat children.
> Goa belongs to you, Goans in Goa. You have to rise to
> the occasion, hold your representatives accountable,
> protect your institutions and create a society you are
> proud of and want to live in.
> selma
> ---------------------------------------------
> --- airesrod <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The Save Goa Front (SGF) gives a clarion call to all
> > Goans settled outside Goa to raise their voices and
> > do
> > whatever possible to salvage Goa and the Goan
> > identity. There is a need for Goans across India and
> > the world to close ranks and Save Goa.

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