1. Thanks to Joe's statistics on Goanet posts, clearly, I was spending much
more time on Goanet than I had realised. Also for the gem that, there are
only a few who send posts and yet there are some 7000 receiving Goanet posts 
the few must be sending something of interest! Joe, I hadn't quite thought 
of it
this way before but I have always been very keen for more people to
contribute to Goanet.

This is now, a suitably delayed composite post of
sorts, to help keep to my self-imposed ration on Goanet outputs!

2. Re Marlon, hi there, your response to me indicates  that you are no
longer a Catholic. This could be for many reasons. However, with respect,
one discernible difference between you and Hitler is that Hitler definitely
remained a publicly practising Catholic throughout his life. Nevertheless,
thanks for your thoughtful insights on the rest of my post.

3. Gilbert, your last two posts indicate that you are intensely religious
even though you once claimed to be a "cafeteria Catholic."
Clearly, you are infinitely more than that from my perspective, within a
largely secular UK. I repeat what I have said often, I entirely respect your
sincerely held religious belief/devotion to Catholicism. I must say though 
that, I was
rather surprised that you were quite limited in labelling me anti-Catholic
because of a) my well known views on the Catholic Goan caste issue and b) my
historical  interpretation of Hitler's religious status as a Catholic. 
with great respect too, while you focus heavenwards, I should like to
suggest you keep your feet on the ground too!

3.1  "Demagogy" may be a fine description for Fidel Castro's mindboggling
lengthy public speeches. However, my posts on Goanet are surely totally
insignificant in comparison, and also not linked to oratory as the word 
suggests! I humbly submit that, you unnecessarily elevate my proletarian
status to heights I definitely do not deserve nor to which I aspire!  I have 
no hidden agenda in
what I say, nor do I believe in conspiracy theories. All I have ever done is 
to present
points of view honestly that may or may not be acceptable. Above all, unlike
someone well versed in a specific art, I do not need to distort other
people's posts out of sheer "desperation" to score points on Goanet!

3.2 Your suggestion that Catholic Goan caste practice is an oxymoron
simply can't be taken seriously. Nor your attempt, as in the past, to
suddenly make caste practice disappear as if by magic! Your  previous 
attempt at this got
a sharp retort from Margaret Mascarenhas. Among others, Mario referred to 
"abomination" of caste among Catholic Goans several times and I also asked
you to check the Herald for current evidence about caste adverts for
matrimonial partners.

You had later agreed with me that caste and Catholicism were incompatible
even though there was clear evidence for the existence of this 'disease'
among Catholic Goans. I just thought I'd remind you about something you may 
have tried to forget!
 Also, three scholarly sources may be useful to you that, make my contention 
about caste
among Catholic Goans today much more explicit than I can do---Olivinho 
Gomes, Robert S Newman, and Wangle and

3.3  Your stated that, were I to refer to Hitler as a Catholic Fascist, this
would lose me a job as an academic in the USA. This is of course totally
incorrect. I knew this for certain but also checked it with my American
college/university colleagues across the States. They were certain that you
were thoroughly confused on this point. Further, they indicated that, some
highly committed groups took any criticism of their practise as anti this 
and anti that and
quite illegitimately resorted to terms like "anti-semitism" too readily. 
according to them, including a priest incidentally, the  Catholic Church
seems to be too secure to be worried about Hitler as a Catholic fascist--  
the point that seems to exercise you
so much.

I should also like to point out that were I on the Board of Walmart, I would
urge the sacking of Andrew Young myself as he was definitely bad for
Walmart's business. He should have been more pragmatic than
to have amplified views about Jewish, Arab, Korean shopkeepers over pricing,
in their shops, even if true. However, to equate this example with what is
common knowledge in the UK, and often said/discussed when linking religion
to political ideology that, Hitler was a Catholic Fascist along with other
Catholic Fascists in Europe as a historical fact is simply indisputable and 
not in the least bit improper

I also note that at no time did you object to the excessive use of "Islamo 
by one particular individual on Goanet.Was it OK for you to see Muslims as
fascists but not Catholics? Surely as a good Catholic, you don't go in for
double standards Gilbert! Do you?

3.4  I do pleasantly note however, that you would have preferred me to say
that, "Hitler was a fascist who happened to be Catholic." I am most happy if 
choose to be so pedantic. But one  implication of your suggestion is that,
instead of saying "Gilbert Lawrence, the Goan oncologist" we would now have 
to say, "Gilbert
Lawrence, the oncologist, who happens to be a Goan!" No problem Gilbert, I
accept! But I hope you note that, you have implicitly accepted that Hitler
was a Catholic! That of course makes several of us. Me, you, Peter (albeit 
the use of "cultural Catholic")
and others but with just one very determined 'empty vessel' stridently 
resisting to
contemplate any aspect of this view even when it was made clear, repeatedly,
by Hitler himself that, he strongly believed as a Catholic that he was doing 
God's Will in
exterminating Jews. He was both, "believing" and "doing" what he thought
to be correct in his faith, even though I have said several times that he 
was mistaken and wrong
in his murderous project.

3.5 Let me now clarify why Hitler got into the frame in our discussions at
all. It has been my contention that the idea of " a rock solid Christian
moral code" (RSCMC), is entirely bogus and dubious. Firstly, it
claims ridiculous exceptionalism when we know that, all religions have their
own moral codes that are not terribly different from one another. RSCMC
further embodies the essence of the old view in cathechism classes that, 
many of us (on
Goanet) would have attended, that said that Catholicism is the 'true faith'. 
We do know better
of course, that if this were so, then all other faiths, including
Protestantism, by definition, could not be true faiths even to their 
adherents. This is, of
course, totally preposterous. Secondly, I was keen to show that Catholic
belongingness (let alone Christianity in general) has a distinctive
elasticity about it. The Church can cope perfectly well with some of the
worst Catholics around through the mediation of the potential for

No Mickey Mouse 'make-believe rock solidity' is required to be
operational, prescriptive, or as a prerequisite, even with the likes of 
Catholic hoodlums
in Cosa Nostra, the Mafia and of course, Hitler. Hitler was never disowned 
by the
Catholic Church/Vatican and it is absurd for any 'sonorous empty vessel' to 
go on
ad nauseum that, Hitler was not a Catholic because he did not follow all of 
the Ten
Commandments. If we use such a yardstick, there would be a minute number of 
(assuming this aspect could be policed), and not the  billion plus Catholics 
in the world!
Even the Popes (who presumably know better on this issue) have not gone in 
for an
exclusionary ruling on Hitler. Otherwise we would have heard of this well 
the advent of any utterly confused and ill-informed staunch RSCMC Goanetter!
I understand that, Lucifer still represents the ultimate devil in 
Catholicism and that
Hitler has never stood a chance for comparable notorious exalted status!

3.6  I'd now like to make some observations about the notion of "religion
bashing" on Goanet as expressed by about four posters. Goanet is not a
religious site and has never been so. It does not need to protect any
religion as long as we use moderation in discourse. Consequently, any
use of this label by some posters is completely inappropriate in
my view. Indeed, why religion is discussed at all on Goanet is because there
are many Catholics in Goa and Catholicism is pretty central to significant
numbers in Goa.

3.7  Next, your suggestion that my reference to Hitler as a Catholic Fascist
ought to have been 'blocked' by Goanet moderators smacks of censorship. 
you not agree? But perhaps you can justify your stance on this point and I 
await this.

3.8 To go further, I'd like to suggest that, the individuals who may be
raising questions and problematising religious issues are in many ways
free-thinking radicals who have been surprised to discover that there are 
several others like
themselves on Goanet. Basically, they are raising intelligent questions
about taken-for-granted received orthodoxy in religions/religious practices. 
this is perfectly laudable and educational as long as they respect sincere
believers, like your good self, and do not try to convert or subvert them
to their way of thinking. To try to deride this kind of discourse, using 
dubious claims under the rubric of "religion bashing" is to make Goanet 
poorer in my view in terms of social capital. The free-thinking radicals 
have been
like a breath of fresh air when not much intellectually might have been 
from the traditional religionists. Clearly, all things can be discussed 
calmly and
productively without needing to resort to name calling like "religion 
Would you not agree with me on this simple point?

4. And now, with the hope that you might ease up a bit on your
religiosity, and in a lighter vein,  I'd like to share something with you 
the distinct possibility that, in terms of geographical location, you may be 
a neighbour to the genuine
Hitlers! Like most immigrants, Hitler's family is doing rather well in
America. A large photograph of Adolf Hitler's nephew and his wife exiting 
from church on Palm
Sunday was shown in an article in one of our quality Sunday papers. This may 
totally surprise you Gilbert
but, Adolf  Hitler had spent 1912-13 in Liverpool, England, dodging the
German military draft. He had stayed with his half brother before returning
to Germany. It is the offspring of his half-brother who was featured in the
article. Further, we were told that a book on this extended family would be 
out soon.
It took some time for the author to track down the family because, 
they had changed their surname!

Interestingly, some parallels with Svetlana, Stalin's daughter in America
may emerge in the book. By association, the good, bad and ugly, among 
others, do seem to
make a bee-line from Europe to the States!

5. I hope you can see that everything I have said above, has absolutely
nothing to being even remotely anti-Catholic. It has much to do with 
interest and intelligent civilised discourse between us to which I am sure 
Goanet is wholly
Very cordially

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