We fully agree with the views expressed hereinunder  by Cip (UK).

It is the Advocates and the CAs that needs to be suspended rather than
penalising people for purchasing  properties wrongfully. No one can
purschase a property without going through an Advocate, or at least most do

In our guesstimate if this thumb-rule is made applicable to all land deals
in Goa, we thing that Goa will have to start at least another dozen law
colleges in the near future if we are not  to face acute shortage of
Advocates and Lawyers. Ditto with CAs perhaps  :-))


----- Original Message -----
To: "Arporanet Com" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Ukgoanet Group"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Goanet" <goanet@goanet.org>
Sent: Sunday, September 10, 2006 9:30 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Problems of foreigners

> Problems of foreigners
> J.A. Bostock (UK, Goa)
> I read, nearly daily, problems of Foreigners, (when I say foreigners I
> non Indians,) who have purchased  property in Goa that are being
> as they are spoiling the Goans opportunities of purchasing property
> themselves, or they are buying property illegally etc etc.
> I feel that it is time that the truth the whole truth and nothing but the
> truth came out. Behind every foreigner wanting to buy property in Goa,
> is at least 3 to 4 Goans participating in the deal, being an Advocate, CA,
> the seller and a Agent.
> In UK if a CA or an Advocate, give information contradictory to the law,
> these people would be struck off and not allowed to practice. In addition
> they could be sued by the client to retrieve all cost back which were lost
> due to their incorrect information. If you applied that here, I am sure
> problems would disappear over night.
> The government should not look for scape goats, it should look at the
> problem at hand, deal with each case individually and depending on the way
> the property was bought and by what means, they should take appropriate
> action with all concerned.
> Many non Indian visiting Goa, do so, because they love Goa, they enjoy
> joining in with the cultures and people of Goa, unfortunately their is
> always a few that spoil it for others. I ask the government to deal with
> unwanted miscreants as the law of the land dictates, however, support the
> people who have been miss led and taken for a ride with a just manner.
> Long live a peaceful Goa.
> Cip
> UK
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