> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goanet and religion bashing
> Every summer this Joe Vaz character performs an annual
> exercise of verbal abuse against me on Goanet. This
> time around he has ostensibly taken precious time off
> from his busy schedule to write a total of 5 trashy
> posts with the sole purpose of abusing me. Neither
> Selma nor I had directly provoked him in any way, nor
> written anything that would make him feel personally
> offended or threatened. There was absolutely no need
> for him to exercise his right to self-defense and
> abuse another human being. But once again he chose to
> do exactly that.
> I ask myself, why would any man do such a thing?
> Cheers,
> Santosh


Your double standards are not lost on anyone. If you really dislike
so-called verbal abuse on Goanet, please refrain from using it
yourself. For starters, stop calling Joe "this Joe Vaz character". You
rightly say that he is using "self-defense", he wouldn't need to if
you weren't abusive in your posts.

> I ask myself, why would any man do such a thing?

You're evidently not just asking yourself.

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