"Frederick \"FN\" Noronha"
> Lastly, if people wish to believe anything, let them
> do so, as long as it makes them better persons in 
> the real world, what's wrong?

I think the above is the very point that Santosh is
trying to open our eyes to. One cannot be allowed to
believe in anything because even though they may think
that their BELIEFS make them better persons, this is
often not the case. OBL is prime proof. He BELIEVES
that what he is doing is correct and that he is making
the world a better place (for Muslims.) George Bush
BELIEVES the same. 

It becomes easy for the non-religious to see the
dangers of having leaders who believe they have
received, and then, profess righteousness.

Communist are no different. The belief's are sometimes
worse than those of religious folks. Those who believe
only in science fall into the same trap. The
difference they have is that they believe only in
whats provable.

Of importance here is that those who are capable of
recognizing the imperfections of their BELIEFS are the
ones who know that this debate is unwinable (or maybe

Those who have absolute conviction of their BELIEF'S
are the ones making this debate one without end.


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