The Goanet writers:

Reading Arnold Noronha is like reading Dostoevsky. One
is reminded of those bleak Russian winters.

Reading Alfred de Tavares is like reading Coleride. 
Water, water, everywhere and I want every precious
drop to drink (to slighly misquote Coleride)

Reading Cecil Pinto is like reading Lord Byron.
Mad, Bad and dangerous to know. With apologies to Lady
Caroline Lamb.

Reading Frederick Noronha is like reading Amartya Sen
interviewing Bill Gates. The Political Economy of

Reading Roland Francis is like reading Somerset
Maugham. The Flotsam and the Jetsam made interesting
by the skill of the pen. 

Reading Mario is like reading the US Republican
Political manifesto dictated by Cheney and typed out
by Anne Coulter.

Reading Gilbert is like reading Egyptian hieroglyphics
before they found the Rosetta stone.

I love reading all of you (sorry if I've missed
someone) :))

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