In a report in todays Times (England) by Jeremy Page the word Caste derives 
from the Portuguese casta, meaning breed race or kind.I found this quite 
interesting as I enquired sometime as to what makes us the way we are, the 
Indian Gene or the Portuguese.In science within the Magnetic field like poles 
repel and unlike poles attract, the cause of our people spending half their 
lives fighting, fighting instead of looking at issues and finding soloutions.

Ever since independence in 1947 Indian Goverments have tried in vain to break 
down the oomplex caste system which divides society into hereditary 
heirarchical groups. Most Indians educational, professional and marriage 
proposals are still determined at birth by their place in the hierarchy which 
ranges from Brahmins at the top to Dalits, or untouchables at the bottom. 
Despite the economic boom Indias cast system is becoming ever more entrenched.

Intercaste marriges have been permitted by  Indian law since 1955 and children 
traditionally assume the fathers caste status one only has to look at the Goan 
Village organisations around the world to understand this. In London  England 
we have one Goan Community with over 50 Presidents representing us with / 
witout any Constitutions Can we ever have a Soloution to unity.

Melvyn Fernandes
65 Windsor Road
Thornton Heath
Mobile 07970 668879

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