Dear Frederick,

This is the point I have been trying to make. Isolated observations such as 
the ones mentioned below are no use as indicators in judging the overall 
health of a society. Hence my use of the world "mindless" to describe any 
attempts to do so.

You will notice how Goa is now being described as "unliveable"and "in a 
downward spiral" in this forum. The basis for these statement are a few 
random observations that barely scratch the surface of  the issues facing 
Goa today. Funnily most of the voices advocating the above position are 
pining for the "village life" of their youth all while living in massive 
cities in already developed countries. Most of them were absent during the 
periods when their countries were in transition from developing countries to 
developed ones.They also conveniently ignore the fact that it is the Goa of 
old that caused numerous professionals to migrate to the West in search of 
better prospects.

Development will bring with it numerous changes(good and bad). It is or duty 
to see that the cost to the environment and society is not excessive. It is 
towards that aim we must strive. Ideas such as visa for Indians, labour 
control agencies, organ harvesting, mass emigration to the west, return to 
fascist justice, etc. are pretty lame besides being completely un-feasible.

Sunith Velho

Is "sleeping with windows open" the only basis of judging how peaceful, 
just, and sustainable a society is? Or, is the cleanliness
of the hospitals a better indicator? This is not a defence for post-1961 
prone corruption and misrule, but one can't overlook that a
semi-Fascist dictatorship has pros and cons which are quite different from 
those of a capitalist-if-somewhat-more-egalitarian region where
the rulers are hard to reign in, and the sickness of affluenza (overall 
growing affluence) has come at the cost of the environment,
over-consumption, and selfishness. FN 

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