--- Gabe Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>( On 15/09/06, George Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:)
> > George
> Apt Reply I believe.....:-
>  Islam, like Christianity, is not above criticism
> (Filed: 18/09/2006)
> We are living in a world that has lost not only its
> sense of
> proportion but also its ability to discriminate.
> By contrast, it is not immediately apparent how much
> blame to attach
> to Benedict XVI for the worldwide furore over last
> week's lecture. On
> reflection, the answer must be: not very much.
> Presumably, the Pope
> regrets quoting the Byzantine emperor's opinion that
> aspects of Islam
> were "inhuman". Moderate Muslims have been upset by
> it, and Benedict
> reiterated yesterday that he was sorry that they had
> taken offence.
> But he is even more sorry that this offence has been
> exacerbated by
> the deliberate manipulation of his words by Islamic
> firebrands and
> their slick media operation.
> The combination of grievance-nurturing
> multiculturalism and instant
> headlines is having a disastrous effect on the
> worldwide Muslim
> community. There seems to be no limit to its
> spokesmen's willingness
> to voice outrage; and their messages are then picked
> up by fanatics
> who mount appalling attacks on Christians in Muslim
> countries. When
> was the last time a Muslim leader apologised for
> such atrocities?
> The truth is that barbaric attacks happen weekly. No
> wonder that
> Benedict favours an urgent dialogue with Muslims on
> the subject of
> religious violence, rather than the usual
> touchy-feely exchange of
> compliments.
> Well, he has started a dialogue now, albeit not
> quite in the way that
> he intended. And it is essential that it continue. A
> self-abasing
> apology from the Pope would have postponed that
> discussion yet again.
> We suspect that Western public opinion is not
> displeased that Benedict
> has said the unsayable. Now it is time for other
> churchmen to tell
> their Muslim counterparts that, in addition to
> dishing out criticism,
> they must learn how to take it.

Nasci Caldeira:

Well said Gabe! You spoilt it though with your
reference to the Cherie Blair incident! Very un
British observation there. You have to support the
Govt. of the Day; like all of Britain supported
Margaret Tatcher in her war in the Falklands.

To add I must say that only recently some murderous
muslims openly said that all of America should convert
to Islam; and if they do not, then they will all die
and or suffer the consequences. Is this not an
admission of aggressive quotes in the Koran? What are
the Muslims doing about changing this?
Is it time for societies and countries to de-recognise
these religious dogma that favours and preaches
violence. This can be made a 'condition' of reliious
recognition,; otherwise 'no religious freedom' to
practice and or preach should be granted!
Why do not Muslims agree to genuine dialogue and

Nasci Caldeira
Melbourne, Down Under.

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