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--- Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear Mario,
> I think I told you before, I have an extremely firm
> grip on whatever I write. 
Mario observes:
You have an extremely firm grip allright, but it is
not a grip of any relevant facts:-))
Selma writes:
> Please widen the range of your reading material,
> which perhaps should include books by notable 
> historians and philosophers like Bertrand Russell. 
> In his History of Western Philosophy, he details 
> the reasons for strict celibacy within the Catholic 
> Church. 
Mario observes:
Forgive me as I wipe more tears from reading your
continuing obfuscations and misrepresentations, now
hanging your hat on the biased opinions of an avowed
atheist/agnostic like Betrand Russell of all people on
the celibacy of Catholic priests, and quoting
atheist/agnostic web sites, while being curiously
unable to find the Vatican web site and the official
theology of the Catholic Church on priestly celibacy. 
So, here it is again:
If you cannot handle such a long URL, go to
www.vatican.va and search under "Rationale for
priestly celibacy".
This rationale is all that counts for Catholic priests
in todays day and age, not the biased and hostile
opinions of atheists/agnostics.
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