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On Tue Sep 19 21:01:23 PDT 2006, Carvalho carvalho_sel at yahoo.com wrote:

> Your post and that of Dominic Fernandes, to me reeks of homophobia.

RESPONSE: From Webster:

One entry found for homophobia.

Function: noun
: irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or 

Kevin enquired if there was a Konkani word for Homosexual / Homosexuality. 
Domnic Fernandes provided a word that he believes fits the terminology. Now 
you state his post is homophobic ? What is your rationale ? Why condemn 
Domnic's post ? It would have been appropriate if you had provided a 
translated word(s) instead of thrusting an undesirable halo on Domnic's post.

It is true that some societies have become gay-friendly (for want of a better 
word) and we have assimilated homosexuality as part of our ideology. Canada is 
at the forefront of gay rights as Kevin earlier explained to the angst of the 
Holy See.

- Bosco
Toronto, CA
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