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Bishops, Muslims Build Bridges of Peace Following Pope's Remark

By Michael Gonsalves, SAR NEWS

MUMBAI, Maharashtra (SAR NEWS) -- Even as Pope Benedict XVI's apology
over "offensive" remarks on Islam has not fully quelled Muslim rage
the world over, Catholic bishops, theologians and peace activists have
called for more inter-faith dialogue to bridge the growing gulf
between the two world religions.

Catholic Bishops' Conference of India (CBCI) president Cardinal
Telesphore P. Toppo, Archbishop of Ranchi, took the lead last weekend
when he met a group of top Muslim leaders following widespread
criticism of the Pope's reference to Prophet Mohammed and issued a
joint statement.

"The Muslim leaders met me and gave me a memorandum, asking an apology
from the Pope. But I explained to them that the media had reported a
few lines of the Pope's lecture out of context but the Pope has the
highest regard for Islam," Cardinal Toppo told SAR News over the phone
September 20.

The Muslim leaders, who were satisfied with the Cardinal's
explanation, issued a joint press statement, which was carried by the
local media. The Muslim leaders also advised their community to
maintain peace and religious harmony in Jharkhand State.

"It is crucial to hold inter-faith dialogues and frequent meetings
with Muslims at the diocesan and local level over common issues
affecting the communities from time to time, to promote deeper
understanding and appreciation of each faith," Cardinal Toppo said.
"This is the effective way to build bridges of peace between
communities," he added.

The German-born Pope's remarks which were considered "offensive"
during a lecture in Germany September 12 had sparked outrage and
provoked protests from Muslim political and religious leaders of many
countries – from Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Morocco, Saudi Arabia and
Turkey to Indonesia, Malaysia and Pakistan. A Catholic nun was shot
dead in Somalia.

The Pope had tendered an apology for the adverse reaction in some countries.

Bishop Thomas Dabre of Vasai, who held a meeting with over 100 Muslim
leaders September 17 at the Bishop's House, said tension,
misunderstanding arise when there is increasing gulf between various
communities. "We are all daughters and sons of one God and the holy
will of the Almighty is not to fear any one. Once we stop fearing
another faith, misunderstanding will vanish," said Bishop Dabre,
chairman of CBCI Commission for Christian Doctrine.

"I grew up among Muslims. They were my classmates in school and
college and my Muslim neighbours treated me as their own," he said
adding, "When I decided to join the seminary to become a priest, the
neighbouring Muslim family was the first one to honour me on 21 June,

The prelate said when he was ordained a priest in 1971 and on his
Episcopal ordination in 1990, the Muslim community honoured him. "I
have told my Hindu friends to try to know the Muslim families before
stereotyping them with any label," Bishop Dabre said, adding India is
a unique country where all major religions of the world exist
peacefully and this should maintained.

Even as the Catholics throughout India prayed for peace during Sunday
Masses, September 17, Muslim clerics too stepped up efforts to contain
the controversy from getting overtly communalised.

At an emergency meeting at a Madrassa at Bhendi Bazaar in Mumbai
September 16, over 200 Ulemas and Imams advised Muslims to maintain
restraint in their criticism of the Pope, as any irresponsible
criticism could increase tension between two communities.

"It is the ignorance of the people over certain issues which often
leads to misunderstanding and riots," said Maulana Zaheer Abbas Rizvi,
general secretary of the All India Ulema Council and national
secretary of the All India Shia Muslim Personal Law Board.

Naseem Siddiqui and Abraham Mathai, chairman and vice chairman of
Maharashtra State Minority Commission, respectively, said the issue
should not be blown out of proportion. Both were worried when RSS
praised the Pope's remarks, which they thought could provoke clashes
between the Hindu and Muslim communities. "With the Pope's apology I
have been
appealing to my Muslim brothers to forget and forgive," Siddiqui said.

"I have explained to Muslim leaders that the Pope has high regard for
Muslims and that he was quoted out of context by the media," Mathai

"The Pope in no way intended to hurt the religious sentiments of our
Muslim brothers and sisters throughout the world. In fact, he
continually endeavours to create a more congenial atmosphere whereby
greater unity of religions and cooperation of cultures can be
ensured," said CBCI secretary general Archbishop Stanislaus Fernandes
of Gandhinagar.

"The media distorted the true meaning and intent of the Pope's 8-page
lecture on 'The Relationship between Reason and Faith' to academics by
labelling it as a veiled attack on Islam and mislead Muslims the world
over," said Father Anthony Charanghat, editor of the 157-year-old The
Examiner and spokesperson of Archdiocese of Bombay.

"The Catholic world appreciates Jihad which according to the Holy
Qur'an essentially means a spiritual struggle or striving. The Holy
Qur'an clearly states that Jihad primarily means a personal Jihad – a
struggle against self for God. Secondly, it is a verbal jihad – a
struggle – a striving against untruth by always speaking words of
truth in the name of Allah.

Finally, it means – physical jihad – the use of violence in defence of
Muslims if they are attacked and cannot relocate themselves to escape

This defensive nature of physical violence is frequently lost among a
small percentage that uses aggressive violence in the name of
religion," Father Charanghat explained.

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