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Dear Nasci,

I always try to put issues in their proper context, after all India as a 
self governed territory is just 59 years old, and Goa much younger. Do not 
mistake this for defensiveness. I also prefer solutions rather than 
monotonous rants about problems. I am sure you are aware of the old saying 
"If you are not part of the solution..."

Interestingly, when they asked Gandhiji what he thought about Western 
civilisation he replied "They could use some!".

The first time I visited my grandmother's house in Velim, I was horrified at 
the "pig toilet" they used there. Is it because we in Panjim were civilised 
and those in Velim "hopeless", or just a matter of putting things in their 
proper context.

Thanks for your kind wishes.

Sunith Velho

Nasci Writes:

Nasci feels and it does look like, you have already
returned from UK, at least in mind and spirit;
considering that you have now accepted some of the
'Inconvenient Truth' and are no longer absurdly
defensive about some of Goan/Indian failures.

You are now truly enlightened! Just like Mohandas
Gandhi did when he left his chappals and his hopeless
Gujerat and went to study in England and became
enlightened! Do you know that this Gandhi found it
tough to comprehend that one can do his daily
excretions in a clean and tiled toilet rather than
under the banyan tree! 

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