* G * O * A * N * E * T **** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *
Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
         There is no better, value for money, guest house.
              Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.

[Patient Registration Card]
Name of Patient:           GOA
Ailment:                        MORTALLY ILL  [Non Terminal]
Diagnosis:                     SEVERELY INFECTED BLOOD STREAM.
Treatment:                    TOTAL BLOOD CHANGE.
Surgery [Y/N]:              [N] - SYSTEM FLUSH (only)
                                      NOT   EFFECTED.
Blood Type:                  NEW - UNADULTERATED.
Blood Group:                [D+]=DETERMINATELY POSITIVE  - (Young to
                                      Moderately Young)
Treatment Guarantee:   ONE HUNDRED PER CENT - NON
Convalescence :            6 - 8 MONTHS - [Preferably up to  May ' 07].
Blood Requirement:     40 PINTS.

(Dr. Su-Raj [Specialist])


On the face of the above, it appears that our beloved Goa is really very
sick. I would picturize the above as under:-

1.     Goa (the Map of Goa) with a prominent old man's head, is propped up
on the ICU bed replete with oxygen mask et al.

2.     On the one side of the ICU bed, hanging from the rack near the bed
are seen  ¾ 'empty' blood pints each one having the insignia of the present
parties in power or out of power i.e Cong's 'Hand' (Witch's Claw); BJP's
'Lotus' (blowing fire despite floating on a bed of water); NCP's 'Clock' ( a
dilapidated scrap yard piece); MGP's 'Lion' (a living skeleton trying to
roar but resulting in a cat call 'meauooo'); UGDP's 'Two Leaves' ( both
severely moth eaten, jaundiced yellow n falling).
3.     The delivery tubes of these blood pints are cut-off and knotted to
stop spillage on the floor (save the floor too).

4.     On the other side is another rack with as many 3/4 'full' blood pints
marked 'new' [D+] connected to GOA'S both arms.

GOA is attempting a feeble smile at the doctor (Dr. Su-Raj) and says
"Thanks doc ! for saving my life.  I feel better already .I don't want to
die. No! I want to be the real No.1 in the whole of India. And pointing to
the hanging invalids he says "Please take them out of my sight. They belong
to the garbage pile at SONSODO'

At the corner  table , an abstract framed picture (GOD?)  has  'two candles'
burning  in front of it as if in prayer. Could these be the  "two candles"
election symbol  of the  Su-Raj Party??   Who knows!

I believe I have taxed my brains enough for this Sunday. If you people will
excuse me, I shall take a break. I have no more breath left to talk about
the Margao's Grace Church meet on Sunday last,  organized by UGWF (United
Goans Welfare Front), nor do I have the breath left to speak about the
massive rally intended for Gandhi Jayanti (2-Oct) at KTS Margao. BTW I have
just enough breath left to say just this, though. Goans are so desperately
trying to UNITE that they seem to name every organization they think of as
'United Goans'. Maybe it is the inbuilt insecurity in them of not being able
to UNITE for a good cause that they want to defy?. They might as well Unite
to brush Dr. Su-Raj out of the way and  re-inject the remaining poison from
those hanging invalid pints to see the Old Man (GOA) dead, once and for all.
This could be their only chance.


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