Dear Selma,

First of all let me assure you that I never thought of you as
Homophobic, as I understood the intention of your post quite well as
being faghag-ed. If you read my mail once again, you might just notice
that I did not twist your words out of context, rather I may have been
selective, only because I could not locate your post in question among
the numerous posts on this topic. Please do not let any insecurities
blur your understanding of posts by an intelligent poster such as
myself. ;-)

Secondly, let me explain the meaning of the word "freak" from the
dictionaries I use (in this context, of course):
- a person or animal that is markedly unusual or deformed
- Conspicuous deviation from the normal. Outmoded name for oddity or
error, eg., an off-metal strike.
- A human oddity on exhibition in a museum or in a circus or carnival
side show.

Since you have endorsed the use of the word "freak" for Homosexuals,
(please clarify if you have not, rather than accusing me of twisting &
distortion - this is my understanding of your post), I asked you, as I
had done before in my post on the death penalty, what to you is the
definition of "abnormal"? Where do you draw the line? At 0.5%, 1%,
2.5%, 5% or 10%?

And while we are on this discussion about gay parenting, I would like
to inquire about a personal doubt. I am not sure about the laws of
abortion in US & India, but I hoped that if I chose to remain single,
I would definitely adopt a couple of children.  Am I, as a potential
single father, not qualified to raise a child with no female
involvement? And going one step further, will two of me not be good
enough? If not, you have made me a very sad person today.


On 9/27/06, Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear Aristo,
> First of all let me assure you that I am the biggest
> "faghag" on both sides of the Atlantic. My friendships
> with gay men (unfortunately no gay women), are
> legendary (in my own mind only, ofcourse).
> It saddens me that an intelligent poster such as
> yourself has now twisted my words out of context and
> intent. My use of the term freak was, as defined by
> the dictionary, an anomaly. It is your understanding
> of the word "freak" that is inadequate, because you
> have interpreted it in its corrupted connotation.
> Secondly, let me explain the meaning of the word
> anomaly. That which is different from the mainstream.
> Is homosexuality different from the mainstream of
> heterosexuality? Ofcourse it is! In our constant quest
> to prove who is the bigger liberal, let us not blur
> all definitions of what is mainstream.
> And while we are on this discussion about "gay
> rights", I would like to state that each one's
> sexuality, as long as it does not infringe upon the
> safety and rights of another individual, is their own
> choice. However, the "right" to raise children is
> another matter. I for one, hope that India does not
> encourage any such moves. Not because I think
> homosexuals are incapable of raising good moral human
> beings, but because I earnestly feel that the
> emotional well being of a child is best served in a
> two-gender family. There, I guess I'm not that
> liberal, after all. Now, where are my right-wing
> friends? Anyone? Anyone out there? :))
> selma
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