--- Miguel Braganza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Some time back the Hizbollah in Lebanon kidnapped
> two Israeli soldiers. The Israeli government set 
> its military might against the Hizbollah and 
> Lebanon.  It killed thousands of innocent Lebanese 
> civilians, destroyed towns and residential houses 
> and lost a 168 soldiers of its own in the effort to 
> find the two soldiers. Does it make sense to lose 
> 168 persons in search of two?  Does it make sense 
> to kill thousands of unconnected persons to find 
> just two persons? To the Israeli Prime Minister, it 
> does. It makes sense even when they did not find 
> the two soldiers for whom they were supposed to be 
> searching for. As long as one does not get killed in
> the process, the death of anyone else makes sense. 
> It is for this reason that Mark Twain once 
> wrote, "Man is the only animal that blushes or needs
> to." Such is our vanity and stupidity.
> The cause of action and the action need to have some
> proportion. It is a matter of scale. 
Mario observes:
Miguel, perhaps it is you who needs to keep Mark
Twain's admonition in mind at all times, to avoid
using inappropriate examples to make possibly
appropriate points:-))
Perhaps you are unaware that it is Hezbollah, along
with Hamas, Syria and Iran, that have not only
publicly stated as their goal the ELIMINATION of
Israel, but have failed not for any lack of trying 
since 1948 along with several other Arab states that
have since given up after repeatedly having their
behinds kicked.
Perhaps you are also unaware that Israel withdrew from
Lebanon in 2000 as part of a UN brokered "land for
peace" deal called UN resolution 1701, which also
required Lebanon to disarm Hezbollah and prevent
attacks on Israel from it's territory.
If several parties had not only threatened me with
extinction but had repeatedly tried to do so, common
sense would dictate that they had given up all
expectations of any "proportional" response from my
side.  With this background, why would I even wait for
their next lethal attack, as Israel did?  I would feel
free to attack them any time I felt the need to do so.
What "matter of scale" can you possibly be  looking
for from someone targeted for elimination?
Do you even know that the terrorists have demanded the
release of thousands of their own people in return for
the two soldiers?  Obviously they do not share your
sense of proportion or scale.
Secondly, when dealing with a terrorist organization
like Hezbollah, who even Amnesty International has
accused of hiding among and behind innocent civilians,
how could someone like you know who was a terrorist
and who was a civilian in the fog of battle?  Did it
even occur to you that every dead terrorist can
immediately be transformed into a "civilian" depending
who is doing the reporting.
Thirdly, you failed to make ANY mention above of the
thousands of Katyusha rockets that were randomly fired
at Israeli villages and towns before and during the
conflict, targeting innocent Israeli civilians.  I
wonder why you left this out?
In the conflict you misrepresent with considerable
bias, the Israelies were not simply trying to recover
the two soldiers.  They were trying to degrade or
destroy Hezbollah's ability to continue to attack
them.  With the Lebanese and UN forces now in south
Lebanon, they succeeded to some extent.
I guess, as long as one is writing from the safety of
some distance from this conflict, and is not being
targeted for extinction for some 58 years now, one can
continue to pontificate and twist what is going on and
make inappropriate moral equivalences about
proportionate responses to one's hearts content.
However, since the terrorists have been active in
India recently, I hope you or anyone you know are not
in the vicinity the next time they decide to blow up
some trains, or buses, or, God forbid, a church next
time instead of a mosque.

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