Mario wrote:
 As further proof, you went out of your way to misquote
Gilbert in order to make your point.
The actual quote after the mice experiment is as
"So "old grand-mothers' tales" are not to be ignored
except at our own peril!"
Previously Gilbert had said, "Many a time, we "mock" peoples' beliefs as 
myths or "Old grandmothers' tale"Yet, often "Old grandmothers' observations" 
are on orclose to the mark."

Sunith responds:
Mario, please go through the post again and tell me what comes immediately 
after the mice expeiment. Please take your time and stop foolishly and 
falsely accusing me of misquoting anyone. I can convert it to audio format 
and send it to you if you are having trouble reading.

The following quote appears in Gilberts Post in Goanet Digest 327 under the 
Subject line "Re: Science as Religion / response to Fred (Gilbert Lawrence)"

(Quote)A few years ago, an experiment was undertaken where a batch of mice 
were injected with an identical quantity (volume)  of aggressive cancer 
cells.  As expected the mice developed multiple tumors (metastasis) in the 
lung.  Half the mice were then operated to remove tumors from just one lung. 
The other half of the batch of mice did not undergo any surgery.  The mice 
were then followed.  The mice with their tumor (partly) removed died much 
earlier than the group where the tumors in both lungs were allowed to grow 
uninterrupted.  Thus the grandmother's observation was accurate.(End of 

So I ask again, Does this paragraph not clearly (no biases involved, just 
plain English) state that the mice experiment has proved the "grandmothers 
kani" as accurate? Of course he falls over his own point in the next 
paragraph when he gives the actual scientific explanation for the results.

Sunith Velho 

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