> So if such a breakdown of DNA based on probabilities is possible, could
> there be marked differences between Goan castes and Hindu Goans
> vs. Catholic Goans?

>From Frederick "FN" Noronha
>As far as the differences between Goan Hindus and Catholics go, both
>come from similar backgrounds ... and virtually all Hindu castes are
>represented among the Catholic population too. So it's tough to see
>how differences could be at that level. 

My comments:
It is true that Hindu & Catholic Goans came from similar backgrounds but
over the last 500 years there have been offspring from unions of the
Portuguese and Goans.  The percentages of such liaisons were probably
greater among upper caste Catholic Goans leading to differences not only
between castes but also on lines of religion.

I am grateful to Santosh for answering my queries.  This prompted me to look
at other sources and readers may be interested in the following review

The Indian Genome Variation database (IGVdb): a project overview  [Website:
Brahmachari, SK  and others.  Human Genetics 118 (1): 1-11 OCT 2005  
Abstract and full text of article at
For further reading check the links at  Google Scholar:

and Pub Med:

Some references:

1. Bamshad M, and others.  Genetic evidence on the origins of Indian caste
populations. Genome Res. 2001 Jun;11(6):994-1004. 
Excerpt: "Collectively, all five datasets show a trend toward upper castes
being more similar to Europeans, whereas lower castes are more similar to

2. Cordaux R, and others. Independent origins of Indian caste and tribal
paternal lineages  Curr Biol. 2004 Feb 3;14(3):231-5.  Links 
3. Watkins WS, and others. Multiple origins of the mtDNA 9-bp deletion in
populations of South India. Am J Phys Anthropol. 1999 Jun;109(2):147-58.

4. Baig MM and others. Mitochondrial DNA diversity in tribal and caste
groups of Maharashtra (India) and its implication on their genetic origins.
Ann Hum Genet. 2004 Sep; 68(Pt 5):453-60. 

5  Roy, Sangita. Mitochondrial DNA variation in ranked caste groups of
Maharashtra (India) and its implication on genetic relationships and orig.
Ann Hum Biol. 2003 Jul-Aug;30(4):443-54.
6. Bamshad, M & others. mtDNA variation in caste populations of Andhra
Pradesh, India  1996.  Hum Biol. 1996 Feb;68(1):1-28

There have been studies of castes in some Indian states using DNA
techniques.  I cannot find any done in Goa.  There is, of course, the book
published by the Anthropological Survey of India in 1993:
People of India - Goa. 283 pages.  Popular Prakashan. ISBN 81 7154 761 3.

Eddie Fernandes

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