My dear Roland Francis,

You couldn't be more well-meaning and sincere when you say that my party
does not have no grass-roots. I have grown from Goa's soil. And I have
assimilated everything that is GOAN to last me throughout my lifetime. I
have planted trees. I have grown vegetables that indeed grow roots, some of
them so succulent that we relish them as 'KOND'GHEO' , more specifically
known as Taleigao'cheo kond'gheo,  as these coming from Taleigao are sweeter
than most, it is believed.  And I have cut trees, and burnt their roots so
that  these trees do not grow again. But never in my life have I seen
'grass' growing roots. Therefore, when I helped form this party, we made
sure that we would never use grass to depend on the roots it never grows. We
instead opted to plant trees, real trees, deep in the GOAN SOIL so  that we
could depend on these trees, however few they may be, for all times; trees
that will give us sweet and nourishing fruits and not poisonous ones that
would make us sick if we ingested or ate,  knowingly or unknowingly; trees
that would stand tall and sway in the fiercest of temptests and not up-root
and fall; trees that would withstand the worst of  the bush fires that would
decimate the bushes along the the 'grass', however tall, along with their
non-existent roots.

Having said that, dear Roland, I have seen Dayanand Bandodkar cultivating
grass-roots. He used so much colour to differentiate his grass without
roots that  when Komal (Lotus) came around, it saw a fertile growth of
like-coulored grass and gobbled it whole  heartedly and effortlessly having
found out that it had no roots. By the way,  the Komal was and is a
carnivore which has ultimately even gobbled Bandodkar's pet Lion.

Therefore, having learnt a life's lesson, my party, as I have said above,
does not want to cultivate grass that never grows roots and which is very
easy to be burnt, even when it is in its prime and all green. Instead, my
party has built a sailing ship and equiped it with most modern and
innovative instruments of navigation. And we have anchored it in mid stream
with sail unfolded. And we want the strongest of winds to blow her way and
give full blast of its might to into its sails that will uproot the ship's
anchor and set it free in the stream to navigate and reach its destination,
making full use of her time tested navigational aids.

And those navigational aids, my dear Roland, are aptly described in the
Party's ROAD MAP for all to know, and endear their guaranted potentials.

What you are suggesting is fully accepted. In time, when trees  that we have
helped to be planted  grow deep enough roots, these things will be taken
care of, automatically.

And one  last thing that I want you to know from you is, pray  'Who is in a
HURRY here?' It is certainly not my party. We are relaxed enough in the
understanding that we shall perish along with everyone else if we have to
perish. And we shall lead if everyone else wants us to lead Goa to its full
blooming and certainly potent future.

I thank you very much for your acute concern. I know that you mean well.
Please excuse my talking through my hat. But I see no reason not to do so.

With kind regards

Floriano Lobo

NB. Floriano Vaz is Goa's martyr of the Language agitation. God Rest his
Soul in Peace and may he Pray for GOA.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Roland Francis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" <>
Sent: Monday, October 02, 2006 9:04 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Public Sins, Private Lucre, Goa Damned

Dear Floriano Vaz,
In my humble opinion you are a worthy political advocate for the  issues
that need to be addressed in Goa, but if you continue to do  what you are
doing, you will go on achieving the same results. These  results being that
your party has no grassroots following and you are just one more voice of
conscience that everybody ignores. Your party needs a political makeover and
until it gets that, you must engage yourself and those willing to help you
in such matters, single-mindedly and wholly focused in one and one strategy

 Valmiki's post shows the direction. Goa is a fertile bed for the growth of
corruption. It is a bountiful land with the most tolerant and accommodating
people. That is what appeals to tourists. That alas that is also what
appeals to the horrible disease of corruption that dwarfs every other public
evil in its wake. It leaves the ordinary citizen robbed of self worth. All
other public evils flow from just this one. If left unchecked, as Valmiki so
aptly put it - Goa is damned.

 There's no benefit in saying that if Goans are kept alive to the issues of
a crooked politician, he is able to garner the votes of the uneducated and
poor outsiders. They have self worth too and if they are included in the
equation of the fight against corruption, the corrupt will have no refuge.

 No number of Clinton Vazs will have any meaningful effect. Yes they will be
called in by the Sanjith Rodrigues' and they will make their little changes,
but they will be as effective against the greater malaise as a few sacks of
earth will have against a bursting levee. The evil of bad governance must be
tackled from it's most vulnerable underbelly - that of it's outstretched
hand. Grip it, twist it and break it.

 You already have a core of Goans who have decided they will give no bribes.
They must be multiplied and encouraged. And their deeds must be publicized
as much as it is possible. Here's how you take the movement to the masses.

 You have the energy and the brains of Goan students and Goan youth that is
now misused by the politicians for their nefarious ends. They are idealistic
and they are brave. Harness their potential. Send them out in groups to
perform public skits on the daily instances of corruption. Let the roadsides
be their theatres and the public their audience. Fan them out from the towns
into the most remote villages. Make them vary the act but sustain the
message - we will prosper without corruption, we will be doomed with it.
Take them in small groups to protest when a citizen brings you an instance
of a bribe demanded. Bring in the press, the foreign media if need be.
Bribery and corruption grows like mushrooms, In dark places and out of gaze.
Bring in the sunlight of exposure. Go to the slumdwellers and enlist their
youth. Teach them that there is a better life out there for them if they are
willing to sacrifice for it.  Feed their stomachs first. I am sure there are
lots of Goans who have the means to give to them what they need of
necessity. And if the Goans in Goa are tight fisted, ask Goans overseas for
help. In this noble cause, they will not refuse.

 Bypass everything else. Leave pollution, environment, crime, language
issues, community relations, police inactivity, bureaucratic ineptness and
the myriad of problems that take up your attention to someone else. If you
are on the road to solve just this one problem, you will have solved them

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