Frankly I am yet to figure out what the "falsehood" or "mistakes" or what was 
"badly written" in the original post.  I will admit, I am not a linguist or an 
English scholar.  I may have spent half hour to write the post; with half the 
time aimed at making the post short, sweet, and easily readable.  My 
satisfaction is many read the post.:=))

The original post was a 'folksy write-up' of a Goan kani and there is SOME 
basis of that kani. The thrust of the mauxi's kani was surgery in some cancer 
situations, can make things worse. The myth was their explanation; and hence 
ipso facto it was not correct.  That is why IMHO, the explanation was called a 
myth and their observations / story was a kani and not a scientific fact.  

The post went on to describe scientists and a laboratory that found the myth - 
Goan and American - to have a basis. THEY hence mounted a good scientific study 
to validate it. The scientists - NOT ME - reconfirmed the fact by a simple 
experiment. (The description of the experiment was to excite some scientific 
interest in some young Goans with a curious bent). The American scientists 
presented their findings to a very receptive audience - which obviously did not 
include few goanet readers. :=)) I was merely the messenger to bring the same 
findings to Goanet readers.  

Those who wanted to be constructive, instead of being demagogic (about my 
post), would have built on my post. They would have provided further facts on 
the immune effects of surgery. And that this was also shown in humans and not 
just an "explanation / extrapolation from animals."  Yet they chose to 
demagogue my posts in public, and apologize to me about their writings in 
private.  Yet if they did not argue about the post (and the findings), this 
thread would have dies after two days. So I thank the nay-sayers for their 
contribution to this thread and dragging the discussion out.:=))

The IRONY of the today's world, is that in spite of many papers reporting on 
the effect of surgery on immune markers, most surgeons disregard those 
findings.  Partly those facts (effects on immune markers) are disregarded 
because not much can be done about it.  

Yet if one had 2-3 million dollars to spend, those scientific facts would be 
used to make a case of buy and use VAT (Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic) equipment 
instead of the traditional lung surgery; or the acquisition of a Surgical Robot 
instead of the open abdominal operation for surgery in the abdomen or pelvis 
(prostate).  These and other modern technologies permit less invasive surgery.

Now please do not argue or micro-analyze the above points.  The above is not 
written for a scientific or a linguistic audience; for very obvious reasons.  
If you do not want to accept the above facts, please use your delete button 

Considering the number of posts I received privately and publicly thanking me 
for the helpful post, I will continue to post 'tit bits' of information, which 
I think may be useful to average Goans. Those who have nothing better / 
original to write, and want to make 'kit pit', can have a field day doing 

Kind Regards, GL

----------- Mario responds: 

I agree with all three generalities below, but what do any of these 
generalities have to do with what actually happened with regard to Gilbert's 
If a "mistake" is perceived in ANY post, it should be questioned, even 
criticized, in a constructive manner and a clarification obtained.  There is no 
excuse to rush to judgement using selected excerpts from a post, ignoring other 
comments in the same post,  followed by a vicious verbal attack on the writer. 

--- Mervyn Lobo wrote: 

> 1) Gilbert's original article was extremely badly written. 
> 2) A board certified oncologist can make mistakes. 
> 3) There are people who are capable of pointing out mistakes that a person is 
> making in another profession.
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