Take yourself and the rest of us down memory lane and tell us what
your first job was, or how you earned your first money.

I was 12 or 13. A technically-minded older friend who used to make
crystal radio sets used to visit Chor Bazar in Bombay to buy some
eqipment on the cheap. Once he took me with him and I saw an old
gramophone (His Masters Voice) lying side by side with  an old Zenith
slide projector. I bought both for 10 rupees. In return for being his
assistant for his own projects for the next 3 months, he repaired the
two items, made the slide projector almost function into a movie
projector and gave me a free 75rpm vinyl record Never on Sunday.
Budding entrepreneur that I was, I set up a cinema show with
background music and sold entrance to the kids in my lane for 4 annas
or 25 naye paise as the coin was just starting to be called. The
cinema was an enclosed space covered with a curtain just under the
stairs of the building where I lived in Byculla. I made enough to pay
an assistant (he worked the projector and the gramophone) and take a
new girl to the movie theatre every Sunday matinee. I did this for
about a year. I became quite popular with the girls in the hood. In
return for spending 4 annas at my dog and pony show, if they looked
half good looking, they would get a free movie, taxi ride and an
icecream - value three rupees, besides getting the benefit of my
company of course.

If I lived in America where kids get a chance at work early on, who
knows where I might have reached.

Roland Francis
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