By Ethel Da Costa

Give Back When You Receive

There was once a huge dragon in China who went from village to village 
killing cattle and dogs and chicken and children indiscriminately. So the 
villagers called upon a wizard to help them in their distress. The wizard 
said, "I cannot slay the dragon myself for, magician though I am, I am too 
afraid. But I shall find you the man who will."

With that he transformed himself into a dragon and took up position on a 
bridge so everyone who did not know it was the wizard was afraid to pass. 
One day, however, a traveler came up to the bridge, calmly climbed over the 
dragon and walked on.

The wizard promptly took on his human shape again and called to the man, 
"Come back, my friend. I have been standing here for weeks waiting for you!"

The enlightened know that fear is in the way you look at things not in the 
things themselves.

The Prayer Of The Frog by Anthony de Mello.

Years ago, when my dad sat me down for a chat; you know, just as you're 
setting foot into a canoe in untested waters wearing rose petals on your 
eyes, he let me know one simple value: No matter where you go, remember 
where you come from. Brushing it aside then as old-world worn-out 
philosophy -- because I could never figure out why he chose to come back to 
his village, and not some fancy town, after years being abroad -- his simple 
wisdom holds me in good stead today, as I watch Goa racing on her way to the 
finish line. Most times, as I watch unfamiliar faces digging Goa for the 
goldmine of opportunities, while Goans still struggle waiting to be 
recognized for their potential. People who come and go, sing for a living, 
or write for the soul. Make music, live their aspirations and march on into 
another abode. Unsung heroes, unrecognized heroines, prodigies that might 
have been, but never discovered. The wasted Booker Prize because of a lack 
of self faith. The lost Pulitzer Prize because we never dared. No run for 
the Grammy because we didn't work or try hard enough, or worse, even cared. 
Wasted chances waiting for the big break, while ignoring the grind of small 
opportunities to refuel ambition as stepping stones. Would be winners who 
gave up half-way, boggled by criticism because their self-worth depends on 
what others have to say, but listening to their own voices. You meet them in 
the market. You share shoulder space in the bus. Drinking themselves silly 
at a party, or wasting their dreams on Ecstasy.

Life's greatest journey begins when you face fear and deal with it, Bono 
reminds. Even as I shun funerals and weddings in the same order, even as 
death and divorce jostle for elbow space. The fear of the unknown sometimes 
shackles our feet. `What will others say, huh'? And there goes a career that 
would have been as an actress, rock star, rocket scientist?

But life stops for nobody. Old faces you bumped into and took for granted, 
because they were always around. August Braganza, Manoharao Sardessai, Umesh 
Mahambre, Anuj Joshi . people I knew and grew up with. My father, steady as 
a rock, silent as the wind, whose presence after four years I still miss 
dearly. Suddenly you grow up, you realize time is running out, you realize 
you've wasted precious moments `faffing' around the place, keeping company 
with mindless chatter, directionless people, ego-trippers, losers or 
`back-pack' riders when you could put talent, gifts and strength to test. 
Far too many young people are wasting their time wanting to walk in someone 
else's shoes. What about setting benchmarks, breaking a few rules? And then, 
go ahead, break more rules and write your own. But, above all, live without 
fear, of having tried even in the face of failure. Where are these 
idealistic dare-devils?

Dr Judea Pearl, father of slain American journalist Daniel Pearl, has me 
believe that fear has no place in the abode of angels. "Heaven is getting 
slippery," he warns me repeatedly, on our long email chats, "so girdle your 
spirit for more challenges," he adds. Even as he looks forward to the film 
production of  `A Mighty Heart,' on his slain son, while in Goa my band 
mates plan the musical composition of  our song, `Danny Was Murdered,' 
commemorated to the politics of world peace. I meet many people who 
constantly complaint the raw deal Goa gives her young citizens. Instead, I 
would like Goa's young people to try hard and never give up. I laugh when 
people waste precious time debating who will fill up Remo's well-worn and 
well-earned shoes, when bands, singers and artists work hard to make their 
own mark, their own music, their own brand, while we're busy looking to the 
West for heroes, failing to give recognition where talent deserves, when 
they are alive. Ordinary people with extraordinary talent, with hunger in 
their bellies, we need to cheer them on. And support, if we can't rise up to 
give the shoulder.  It is this talent that Goa must invest in. Polish, 
shape, hone and present to the world. Pick them up, dust the struggle off 
their shoulders and make use of our privileged positions, chairs and 
networking to create spaces. When the voices gather momentum, even the 
mighty begin to quake. Let's give the powers-that-be a run for their money. 
Only then, the yesteryear trailblazers of Goa would have rested a peaceful 
journey.  (ENDS)

The above article appeared in the October 3, 2006 edition of the Herald, Goa

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