Dear Goadesc,

I am aware of the high suicide rates in Goa but I am unaware of the
current basic measures to help prevent it.

Is your discussion a starting point to doing something, or are you
taking current measures to another, higher level.

It is said that suicidees always cry for help before they actually
commit the act. It is also said that suicide is a permanent solution
to a temporary problem. Meaning that given half a chance, the person
will not commit the final act which they see as an exit to a problem
that others more balanced see as something not worth giving your life
for. As long as you can make the two interact, you have a solution.

If you think it is of some use, I can contact the Toronto help-lines
and get them to give you some pointers on how to start a helpline of
your own. Your task will be to operate or arrange to operate such
helplines and more importantly, get the message across throughout Goa
that anyone contemplating suicide has somebody 24/7 willing to hear
and to help.

Help-lines have a tremendous success rate. It is high burn-out for
people manning the lines, as in the very few cases where they are
unable to prevent the suicide. But generally, it is very fulfilling.
After all what better can a human being do than save the life of

Remember kids need a help-line too.

Roland Francis
Cellphone: 416-453-3371

On 10/11/06, Goadesc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Documented by Goa Desc Resource Centre (GDRC)
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Observe October 11th - Say No To Ragging Day
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Hi all,
> This is to remind all of you that last year Amit Sahai, a first year
> student of NIT Jalandhar committed suicide by jumping in front of
> a running train because of severe ragging with him. In last five years
> 19 lives have been lost due to ragging besides several cases of
> sexual abuse, hospitalisation and thousands of students dropping
> out of college.
>  From this year onwards CURE has decided to mark October 11th
> as "Say No To Ragging Day" all across India, to remember all the
> ragging victims who lost their lives or dropped out of college due
> to severe ragging.
> I would request all of you to please spread this message to your
> friends and family and sensitise people towards this cause so that
> no other student has to loose his/her life due to ragging. Lets hope,
> like the west one day Indian educational system would also be free
> from this evil tradition and have a better and friendlier ways of
> interaction.
> Harsh Agarwal
> Coalition to Uproot Ragging from Education (CURE)
> ======================================
> Documentation + Education + Solidarity
> 11 Liberty Apts., Feira Alta, Mapusa, Goa 403 507
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Working On Issues Of Development & Democracy
> ======================================
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Roland Francis
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