--- Sunith Velho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In PLAIN English let me once again ask.
> Can you or Gilbert please provide for the benefit of
> the scientists on this forum the name and date of 
> the journal where the mouse experiment (carried 
> out a few years ago) that Gilbert was referring to
> was published?
Mario responds:
Since when did you join the fraternity of medical
scientists?  Besides, what gives you any more standing
in a cancer debate than a cancer survivor?
As a developing scholar who fancies himself to have a
half-way decent command of English but still hasn't
grasped the difference between knowledge and wisdom,
why don't you go back to the original post by Gilbert
and see if you can figure out his conclusion, as
opposed to the minutiae that you seem hung up on in 
joining the attempt to discredit him?  Instead of
looking for experimental mice, see if you can find
what DANGEROUS MYTH he had propagated, ABOUT HUMANS. 
Also, see if you can find where he had concluded that
tumors are spread by exposure to air as claimed by
some of his critics.
Secondly, what part of my following conclusion did you
not understand:
"Again, my advice as a cancer survivor who faced a
significant probability of not surviving a rare form
of cancer for more than 5 years is that if you develop
symptoms of ANY cancer, please consult a practicing
The last people you want to waste your precious time
on are academics and researchers IN UNRELATED MEDICAL
FIELDS, especially ones who did not have the wisdom to
realize what a practicing oncologist had said IN
SIMPLE ENGLISH, that medical correlations could be
mistaken for causes by Goan grandmothers."
As a cancer survivor I not only have a right but an
obligation to expose mean-spirited know-it-alls who
are not only unqualified to opine on cancer treatment
but are experts at catching the bull by the tail for
reasons unrelated to the comments in question.  I know
from personal experience something I hope you will
never learn, that, for a cancer patient, even just
being an experienced oncologist is not good enough, if
the oncologist is not experienced in the particular
form of cancer that is at issue.
So, feel free to continue to look for the trees while
missing the woods they belong in.

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